Part ~ 8

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As y/n woke up she saw Jeff's hand over her waist. Glancing across to him he was sound asleep.
Snoring subtly in peace she didn't disturb getting up.

As she got changed into fresh clothes that she borrowed she begun walking out the room.

"Hey.." Jeff spoke
His morning voice deep and rasp

She shivered at the time and turned towards him.

"What?" She asked quietly

He stirred getting up , walking towards her topless he hummed.

"Come back to bed?" He asked running her check gently caressing it.

Y/n however wasn't in the mood. She felt shit and her mind cloudy.

"Nah I think I'm gonna go outside for abit and practise" she stated walking out the door closing it behind her.

"Damn okay.." Jeff mumbled to himself.
He too got dressed and followed her.

As y/n walked outside she felt the fresh air hit her.
She breathed in deeply and closed her eyes. Enjoying the peace and air.
It was cold but sunny. It was one of them days.

After breathing in the air she walked into the forest to clear her mind.

She'd thought about everything that went on in the past few days. How she was kidnapped by a killer and started to grow feelings for him. How he'd marked her as his own and didn't give her a say or choice in the matter.

As y/n got carried away in her thoughts she stumbled upon someone else who was out.

Darting behind a tree and catching a glimpse of a figure she knew who it was straight away.

Walking from behind the tree she saw green goggles not so far away.

"Jhee y/n didn't mean to scare you. You okay?"
It was Cody.
His tone towards y/n was always soft.
He had a soft spot for her.

Her smile brought him butterflies but knew it was wrong.

She smiled nodding her head.

"I'm okay Cody, and yeah ya did scare me a lil" she replied.
Walking up to him she chuckled.

Looking around she wondered what he was doing out here.

"Hey what you doing out here anyway? Its bright and early and usually your not up for a few more hours" she asked walking side by side with him deeper in the forest.

He glanced down at her seem as he was a little bit taller.
Smiling in his mask he nodded

"Well, I wanted to get some air plus I didn't sleep last night so. " he replied.

Last night.

She remembered.

She whacked his arm harshly smiling

He turned quickly looking at her in shock

"What was that for!?" He shouted chuckling.

"For last night idiot. You gave me up to Jeff!" She replied smiling.
She wasn't angry about it

"Well..I kinda had to. Your his. We're not aloud to interfere.." he stated. His head low and walked further on.

Her smile faded.

"Well. That's a shame. Sucks he choice me and I didn't choose him. I'm stuck with him. Sounds bad but..I've grown some feelings for the psycho. But..also for someone else" she looked down ashamed.

He stoped and turned on his heel.

Looking at her he knew she meant it.
But who was the other?

"So you like him but someone else too? Who?" He asked getting slightly closer to her.
She lifted her head up and looked at him smiling.

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