The Reject and the Shapeshifter

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I opened my eyes and saw a white room. I stood up and walked around before a strange woman tapped me. She was tall with a huge Afro and was with a white haired man. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. She shushed me and handed me a necklace with a flower on it. "Follow the lilies." She said in a soft voice. I tilted my head in confusion, about to try and speak again before I woke up in the cabin. It was a dream. I sat up and saw a cat sitting on my legs. "Uh...hi." I said, petting the cat. "Hiii!" The cat responded. I froze, looking in disbelief. "Did you just- do I have the power to talk to animals?" The cat disappeared with a puff of smoke and sitting on my legs was Cipher. "Nope. I just shape-shifted that's all." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Were you watching me sleep? That's fucking creepy." I said as I kicked him off my bed. As he landed on his feet he looked up at me. "I was supposed to come in here and wake you up but like- you were so peaceful I didn't wanna disturb you..." I looked down at cipher and saw those big puppy eyes and couldn't stay angry any longer. I sighed and hopped off the bed. "It's fine. Did you need something?" I said as I began to grab clothes out of my bag. "Well, we're supposed to be partners for the canoeing game today. And I uh- I brought you food since you missed breakfast. I wasn't sure what you liked so I sorta just grabbed like...everything." Cipher chuckled awkwardly as he handed me to go plate. I smiled at him, taking the plate and sitting it down. "Thank you. I'll be out in a little bit okay? Go wait for me outside okay?" Cipher nodded and walked outside. I got dressed and ate some of the food he brought for me. I headed outside, fluffing out my hair a little as I glanced around and saw everyone lined up and our camp counselors explaining the rules. Cipher stood up extra straight, a serious look on his face as his father, Dionysius aka Mr. D was right in front of him, I could tell this would be trouble. I listened to them explain the rules, I could see Rye giving me a glare out the corner of my eye, but honestly at this point I don't care. I don't know what her problem is with me, but she better address it before I do.
The game began and me and Cipher hopped into our canoe quickly and began rowing. Our goal was to dodge all the dangerous tides and make it to the other side first. I had a feeling we wouldn't win since it's a reject and the child of an alcoholic against scary girls, water boy, half goat, and son of a war criminal. Cipher had a determined look on his face, I'd never seen that look before. Mason began to mess with the waves to try and throw people off. It knocked Freda and Jayda out of the game almost immediately. I reached my hand out and wind began to blow on our canoe to keep me and Cipher afloat. I had no idea how I did that but it happened. "Holy shit! I have wind powers! It works!" I exclaimed excitedly. Cipher didn't seem to react, keeping his eyes forward. "Try to take out Jasper and Sydney with that wind." He commanded. "I dunno Jasper is my friend and everything, what if he gets hurt?" I glanced over at Jasper and Sydney. "Doesn't matter. I have to-...we have to win." "I'm gonna try Mason and Rye first since he's the biggest threat. He can literally control the water." I began to try and use my air powers to knock over Rye and Mason, but it didn't work. Mason lifted his hand and a huge wave arose. I grabbed onto Cipher tightly and took a deep breath as we were knocked underwater. The tides were pulling us everywhere, but I did my best to hold onto Cipher's hand. Eventually we ended up on a rock far from shore. We sat down and Cipher let out a scream of frustration. "I'm sorry Cipher...we'll win next time I'm sure of it." I said as I attempted to comfort Cipher. "No. We won't. I'm never gonna be good enough for him." Cipher covered his face, bringing his knees to his chest. "I'm never good enough for him. No matter what I shape-shift into or how many games I win, nothing impresses him..." I look at cipher and I'm at a loss for words. All I can think of doing to comfort is pulling him in for a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around him, he was shivering slightly from being cold and wet from the water. "You are enough. And if he doesn't see that, it's his problem. You're a sweet boy okay? You will get better at everything with time." I spoke softly, hearing Cipher sniffle a little. He nodded smiling a little and mouthing a small 'thank you.' I began to look around for something to get us to shore, I see a few pieces of our canoe, so I take a giant Lilly pad and use it as a sail. A voice echoed in my head, "Follow the Lilies."  It said, so that's what I did. Sorta. Me and Cipher hopped onto the Canoe and began sailing. While cipher steered us, I tried to concentrate to use my powers to give us some speed. The wind picks up and begins to push us to the shore, and we spot Mason and Rye about to get to the same place. I couldn't let them beat us, Cipher needed this win more than they did. I used my wind to push them back, allowing me and Cipher to be the first ones to reach the shore. We jumped up and down, hugging each other and laughing as we won. The rest of the campers and counselors soon joined us to congratulate us on our win. Mr. D stopped in front of Cipher, his expression unreadable while he stared at the short boy for a moment. "Congratulations." Mr. D said grumpily. Cipher smiled and hugged him tightly. Mr. D groaned. "Get off me. You're wet and disgusting. Go take a shower." Cipher chuckled softly before nodding. "Yes sir." I smiled as I watched him. Jasper, Freda, Sydney, and Jayda walked up to me to congratulate me. Mason apologized for being so rough with us, while Rye just continued to glare at me, her arms folded. I still don't know what her problem is with me. Maybe I'll ask Sydney or something later. I dunno, but all that matters is that we won today, and Cipher is happy. His smile could melt an iceberg.

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