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My life is literal shit. Ever since she died, ever since he betrayed us, everything has felt grey. She left behind her stuffed animal. It still smells like her. Camp just hasn't been the same, and it's been months. We still don't fully trust Jasper after what he did, but I feel sort of bad. I can hear him crying at night, his cabin is next to mine.

Even though all of us were depressed, today was special. A god was visiting. This dude is almost here entirely too much, he's here as much as Mr. D, and Mr. D literally works here. The sun rose in the morning and I managed to pull myself out of bed to go take care of myself. As I brushed my teeth I could've sworn I saw Makayla's reflection flicker in my mirror. Maybe I was just going insane, that's it probably. I put on my camp half-blood t shirt and some jeans, with my usual converse that I've had for years and wear with every outfit.

As I walked outside, I had my eyebrows furrowed and arms folded. The sun beamed directly in my face, which irritated me greatly. My thoughts were interrupted by a grown man's loud giggles and laughter. I knew it couldn't be anyone else but Hermes. I looked around the area and saw him and Mason by the wings. I chuckled slightly at the sight. Hermes acting like the child while Mason acted more like the adult. "Go higher Mason!" Hermes demanded. Mason looked tired from pushing the man child on the swings, I don't blame him. "Dad, my arms are tired. I don't feel like doing this anymore." Mason groaned and complained. "Would you like me to tear them off then?" Hermes asked. Mason shook his head, huffing as he continued to push him. It was always hard to tell if he was ever being serious or just joking like always, which was a bit unsettling since he (hopefully) jokes about sleeping with our mothers when we piss him off.

As the rest of the campers started to make their way outside, Hermes stepped off the wing, ruffling Mason's hair. "Thank you little Hermes." "Uh...no. I'm Mason." Mason gave Hermes his regular blank stare. "Well if I were your real father, I would've named you Hermes Two." I gave a a confused look. Hermes really was a strange guy, but at least he was around, and tolerable. "You mean Hermes Junior?" Sydney asked, folding her arms. "No, two. Anyways hello little Demi-gremlins. Your favorite god is here. Hold the applause." Cipher snickered at Hermes' comments. Cipher always seemed to be the one laughing the most at his arrogant attitude and found him hilarious.

"Little Demi-gremlins, I am not here because I like you all, but because I have knowledge to share with all of you, because I'm just amazing." Hermes said, wrapping one of his curls around his finger as he put a hand on his hip. Mr. D rolled his eyes and stepped beside Hermes. "He's here to help you all train. Hand to hand combat, no powers." He said, crossing his arms. Hermes raised his star shaped sunglasses over his head. "What? I thought I was here to talk about me?" I let out a chuckled at his words. What was even funnier was the fact that he was dead serious. Hermes sighed and put his sunglasses back on: "Should've called Athena or someone. I don't do a lot of sword shit." Hermes walked over and grabbed a sword and leaned on it like a cane. Everyone else followed and he began to train us.

Hermes wasn't exactly a very good fighting coach, but he was entertaining. He was too busy flirting with every adult in sight, including Mr. D, despite his grumpiness. It did give us a good laugh though, we definitely needed it after the couple of months we've had. He was a good guy, a sweet guy even. He had an ego, but he still had his own way of showing that he cared. Better than most- no actually, better than all of the gods.

After the training, Mason pulled me to the side to talk to me in private. "What's up?" I asked, folding my arms. "I just...I've been having nightmares about...Makayla. But lately they've been getting more and more realistic." Mason said, fidgeting nervously with his hands a little. Hearing her name sent a chill down my spine almost immediately. "What...what happens in your dreams?" I asked hesitantly, knowing that the answer would most likely lead to something big. "It started off with just like replaying that...that day over and over. But lately it's been her in what looks like the underworld and she's screaming at me to help her. In every dream the scream gets louder and she looks more worn out. I don't know. I can't help but feel like maybe it's like...a sign. Like an actual call for help." As I listen d to mason speak my eyes widened. What could this mean? Why would she call Mason for help and not me?

I chose my next words carefully and nodded. "Okay...tonight, come get me if you have another dream like that and tell me exactly what it says. If not then write down everything and show me in the morning, alright?" Mason nodded in response, then walking off to most likely go spar with Cipher. I was nervous. Was Makayla really in some trouble? If she was, would anyone actually go with me to save her? I mean, yes she was a traitor but I still loved her. She was just a kid doing what she was told. Mason might go with me. I know this has been weighing on his consciousness a lot and this might make him feel better, I don't know. But what I do know is that if she is in trouble, we need to act fast.

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