Forgive me.

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We arrived in the underworld. I was scared, hearing the screaming souls and everything. I held tightly onto Rye's hand, interlocking our fingers. She pulled me to the side for a moment, looking into my eyes. "Look, whatever happens just know I love you. And I'm sorry for how I've treated you so far. You're a really cool person and I'm sorry." I nodded, smiling at her. "Hey, if we get out of here how about I take you on a date? A real one. We can go out to eat and everything." Rye laughed. I couldn't tell if I was melting from how beautiful she was, or because we were literally in hell.
We rejoined the rest of the group and approached a lady. If I remember correctly from my Greek mythology classes, that's Charon. Ferry person to the underworld. She's super sick in the musical, I'm fully prepared to start singing along to DOA. "Helloooo! We're here to go uh- die?" Jasper spoke up, waving to her. "You all don't look very dead." The lady replied, folding her arms. "We all drowned. In a pool." I said, trying not to laugh as I realized I was almost quoting the musical word for word. The lady nodded and took our golden Drachmas as payment and took us into the underworld. I was quite disappointed she didn't sing us a song, but it's whatever. We got down there and the screaming intensified, which made this whole experience even more uneasy. I look over at Freda who looks like she'd probably actually die down here, she looks scared to death. "Everyone hold hands and stay together. If we get lost down here we may never see each other again." Mason ordered, and everyone did as he commanded and held hands. I held Rye's hand and Jasper's hand. We wandered around aimlessly for a good while before Mason stopped us. "Alright. We need to think. If we were the god of the underworld, where would we be?" "Fucking hot ghosts." Cipher replied, snickering as Mason nudged him in the side. "Be serious. This is life or death right now." I chuckled, rolling my eyes. It was good to see that even if we were about to die, they could still be somewhat silly. Mason seemed to be the most serious, most determined one out of all of us. I bet whoever took that lightning is shaking in their boots right now. We wandered around and found a giant room with the letter H on the door. It must be Hades' room. We opened the door and saw Hades under the covers in bed with two women. He gasped and furrowed his eyebrows. "Have you brats never heard of knocking!?" We all quickly shut the door. We were silent for a few moments before we bursted out laughing. "Wow, Cipher was actually right-" Freda said while giggling. "What can I say? I'm a genius." Cipher replied while cackling. The laughter stopped as the door opened and Hades stood before us. We were all silent before I pushed Mason to the front to talk to him. "Hello Mr. King Hades Sir. We uh...we wanna know if you've stolen Zeus' lightning bolt by chance?" Mason said, gulping. Hades is quite intimidating in person, he's tall and has a glare that could kill someone on sight. "My brother's bolt? Why would I have that? Oh I see. Because I'm the king of the underworld everyone always thinks I'M the bad guy. I'm just chilling with my ghost babes minding my business, and here come eight stinky gremlins accusing me of stealing!" He shouted at us all. Well shit, now we have to figure out how to get the hell (no pun intended) out of here. After that hades went back to his business and we were all puzzled. "Well shit. What do we do now?" Sydney asked, facepalming. "Find a way out of here, that's what. I just don't know how." Jasper replied, looking around. Mason looked like he had an idea and just reached into his bag and pulled out a seashell. "My father is a useless piece of shit, but he gave me this. I think we could use it somehow." Mason said, placing the seashell on the ground. It opened up a portal and everyone gasped. We all stepped through it and we were back on the streets of Los Angeles. We all felt defeated, not knowing what to do or where to go from here. "Where are we going now?" Cipher asked softly, groaning. "We could find a place to set up camp for the night and talk about our next move." Rye suggested. Everyone nodded in agreement. The sun was beginning to set, casting a beautiful orange/pink glow over the sky. We decided to relax at a park. Cipher and Freda sat on the swings, while mostly everyone else got on the playground somewhere. I laid down, feeling an overwhelming wave of sleepiness wash over me. I could no longer keep my eyes open, and I gave into the darkness, falling asleep.
I woke up hearing screaming. I quickly hopped up to see what was going on. The sky was dark and cloudy as I heard thunder starting to rumble. I see the group all with their weapons pointed at was Jasper. He had a dagger up to Mason's neck. "Come any closer and he gets it!" Jasper yelled out. Jayda was angry, looking like she'd explode at any second now. Jasper looked over at me. "Ah, Makayla. Nice of you to join us. You can do the honors now." Rye quickly looked over at me, rain starting to pour down from the sky. "What does he mean by that? Makayla. What's going on." I look down, a bit of a guilty look on my face as I step over to stand beside Jasper, taking his side. I reach into my bag and hold up the lightning bolt to the sky. Everyone gasped. I felt bad but not bad enough. I needed to impress my mother. To get revenge on the gods for abandoning us. "Why!? Why are you doing this!?" Sydney cried out. "Revenge. Revenge on Zeus. He's despised my father ever since he was born, and cheated on his wife Hera. The queen of gods. He deserves punishment, and that's what we're going to do. And in the process, we're going to get revenge on all the gods. For abandoning us. All of us." Jasper said as he kept the dagger against Mason's throat. "If you let us go, Mason lives." Jasper said, staring coldly at the group. "Fine! Fine we'll let you go just give us Mason!" Cipher shouted as vines began to sprout uncontrollably from the anxiety. Jasper slowly let Mason go and Mason stood in place for a moment. I locked eyes with Rye. I would never forget the look on her face. Utter sadness and disappointment. I spoke out two words. The only two I could get out. "Forgive me." I then struck Mason with the lightning bolt and ran off with Jasper. Everyone ran to Mason's aide to assist him. Me and Jasper disappeared into the night. Was it worth it? I questioned everything now. Did I really do the right thing following my mom's directions? I started to feel guilt and regret in my heart. But what's done is done.
There's no turning back now.

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