Chapter 2 : Fight

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Chapter 2


Riker POV

Ross and I got into another fight because he wanted to lay down in the grass and nap. He was really tired. But I'm tired too. And I don't think we should be napping right now. We need to watch for animals and for rescue.

So he took a nap for about an hour while I sat on my suitcase, keeping watch.

But to be honest, if a bear or moose shows up, I don't know what to do. And I'm really scared we'll get hurt.

After Ross woke up, he started going through the survival stuff.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"We might need some of this," he said, still sounding annoyed with me.

"We're going to get rescued."

"Well we haven't yet. I'm getting hungry."

I sighed. I'm hungry too. Really hungry. I haven't had anything since breakfast and it's around dinner time now.

I had my back to Ross because I was really annoyed with him. But I was beginning to get curious what he was doing.

After a while, I turned around to look and he had a small tent set up. And he was inside with his suitcase and all the survival equipment, which just made me even more annoyed.

We should be working together. And he's just doing what he thinks is best.

Whatever. He can enjoy his stupid tent. We're going to get rescued soon. It's been a few hours. Any second, we should see a plane or helicopter looking for us.


Ross POV

The sun was beginning to go down. Riker was still sitting on his suitcase about 20 feet away from me, being stubborn. I have a feeling we're not getting rescued tonight. They wouldn't be able to see us in the dark.

I was glad I already had the tent set up. But I think I should try to collect some sticks really quick to try to make a fire. I'm worried about animals coming while we're asleep, but I think a fire would help keep them away.

I got out of the tent and started collecting as many sticks and pieces of wood as I could. I started making a pile next to my tent. I kept collecting sticks for probably about 20 minutes and then it was really dark.

I got back in my tent and got out the lighter from the emergency kit. I stacked up some small sticks and then tried to light it. And within 10 minutes, I had a fire going.

I kept it small though, to try to make it last through the night. I didn't have a ton of sticks.

I looked over at Riker. I could see him shivering in the light of the fire. It's only just the beginning of spring, so it's getting really cold in Alaska still. And we didn't bring winter coats. Just regular coats.

Whatever. He's being stubborn. And I know it must be killing him inside to be sitting out there in the dark by himself because of how scared he is of wild animals showing up.

There was one sleeping bag in the emergency kit, so I set it up and got in. I pulled out my hoodie from my suitcase to use as my pillow.

The ground was pretty hard beneath me, but at least I'm warm in my sleeping bag and with the fire right outside my tent.

I shut my eyes. I was super tired even though it's kind of early to be going to bed. I hope I can get some sleep tonight...


Ross POV

I was having a hard time falling asleep. The fight with Riker was bothering me. And I kept hearing noises that sounded like an animal walking around, so I was a bit on edge.

I sat up and peeked out of my tent. My fire was still going. But I put some more sticks on it anyway.

I looked over at Riker. He was facing towards me now. He was only wearing a hoodie and had his hood up. And it looked like he'd taken his arms out of his sleeves because he was cold.


He looked up so I could see his face.

"Are you crying?" I asked, seeing his tears reflect in the light from the fire.

"Can I please come inside your tent? I'm so cold."

"Yeah, of course."

Now I just feel bad.

Riker dragged his suitcase over and climbed into the tent. It was a small tent, but we both fit.

I could see him visibly shaking beside me. It was cozy in the tent by the fire, but it's really cold outside.

"Here. Get in," I said, unzipping the sleeping bag.

Riker didn't hesitate to get in beside me. I zipped up the sleeping bag again once he was inside. It was a little tight, but we both fit inside.

"I can't really feel my fingers," he said, wiping the tears off his cheeks.

I grabbed his hand. It was ice cold.

"You'll warm up soon. Next time don't be so stubborn."

"I'm sorry. I don't want to fight with you. We should be working together."

"I agree."

I zipped the tent shut. Riker and I laid down. I could feel him shivering and shaking next to me.

"Come here," I said, putting my arm around him.

He turned on his side so he was facing me. He laid his arm across my chest, holding onto me, and buried his face in my side.

"Are you warming up?"

"Yeah. Thank you."

"Let's try to get some sleep, ok? We need our rest."

"Ok. Thank you for letting me in your tent and sleeping bag."

"Riker, I'm not going to let you freeze."

He sighed and I realized he wasn't shaking so hard anymore. Hopefully no animals show up tonight.

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