1. Stupid Boy

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I'm sitting in the ART Grand Prix teams box, showing my boyfriend Theo Pourchaire my support at the Belgian track. We've been dating since before his Formula 3 debut, when we met at one of Formula Regional events where I was hired to do some catering for the guests and it kind of happened. We both supported each others careers, I owe most of my recording equipment I own to him. It really kick started up my career as an artist, already performing in small clubs and small venues.

It's his first year in Formula 2 and hopes to prove himself to get a seat in one of the F1 Teams. But ever since he was promoted to F2 he grew distant, from daily texts we reduced to a call during the weekend after his race and he barely comes by to visit me at home anymore. Instead I see posts of him and other drivers and some of the track girls.

But at the Grand Prix in my home country he can't exactly hide from me, since I attend it every year. For him and for the epic F1 Grand Prix.

After he finishes the grand prix with a great Victory, he comes running to the Box once the celebrations finish.
We never announced our relationship publicly since we both don't know what it could do our careers.

"excellent travail là-bas" (great work out there) I tell him pulling him in for a hug, luckily he has his soaked racing suit around his waist so I don't get the champagne on my own clothes "Im so proud of you chéri" I say quietly so only he hears it

"You must be my good luck charm" he smirks as we let go of each other, not to draw to much attention to us

"Ill get changed real quick I will be right back with you" he says and waves me goodbye as he makes his way through the door to his drivers room

I scroll on my phone for a while, reading fan comments below my post teasing my upcoming song. I check my followers which have been increasing rapidly the last weeks.

I look at some of the formula 1 and 2 updates, seeing the post of announcing Theo as the race winner, showing the formula 1 qualifying results with Max on pole as usual followed by both ferrari drivers.

"Hey there, im looking for Theo Pourchaire" a random Girl asks me making me look up from my phone. she looks beautiful. Wavy brown hair, stunning green eyes and not a spot on her face, but she looks quite familiar...

"He's inside of his room at the moment, he should be back any second" I tell her with a smile "my name is Dylan, maybe I can help you" I offer her

"No, it's all good. I'm just here to see him, I'm his girlfriend you know, Chloe nice to meet you" she tells me blushing slightly "we haven't made it official yet since he wanted to keep me from the reporters"

My heart drops, the same as my jaw hearing her say those words.

"Excuse me what?" I ask her confused, scrunching my eyebrows, trying to process if I heard her correctly.

"We have been seeing each other for some months now, aren't you his best friend, im sure he told you about me" she repeats, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear

"Yeah, sorry I'm just a but confused" I lie, trying to hold it together "you can wait outside if you want, I need to talk to Theo really quickly if you don't mind" I fake a friendly smile

"Okay, I will see you" she says and waves me a friendly goodbye

"Not so sure about that" I mumble to myself as she steps outside

My brain fills with every kind of emotion, anger, sadness, disappointment and regret but most of all hurt. Instantly going on his socials, spotting her in nearly all of his posts. How did I not even realise...

I start scratching my fingers nervously, slightly scratching open my skin until Theo steps out of the door.

This is the moment my face lights up with joy, but now its emotionless, staring at him unable to express anything

"So how about we get going" he asks me, grabbing my wrist but I pull away, standing in place.

"What up?" He asks me confused with a playful smile grabbing my wrist again

"Don't touch me" I respond, his eyes widening as I said it quite loud

"Whats going on?" He says quietly, stepping closer

"How long did you think you could hide it?" I ask him, he looks at me confused about what im talking about "You have been cheating on me for Months" I throw at him and he stares at me, not denying it

"Who told you that?" He says worried "its nonsense, I would never" he lies through his teeth

"Come on don't lie to me" I say desperately, holding back tears as I speak "Chloe just asked me where you are, and told me that you have been seeing each other for months"

Theo stares at me, unable to come up with words to say to me.

"You know, you actually had me believing we'd share our entire lives together, gaining fame together and eventually going public, but let me guess, not going public was ur idea because you wanted to get in bed with someone else" I say before he can even react

"Dylan... I..." he stutters

"Save your lies, we are done. I tried so hard for us but for months you've been distant at least I know why" I tell him and take the paddock pass off my neck pressing it against his chest

I storm out the box, straight to my car, sitting in-front of the wheel unable to move as tears start flowing down the side of my face. I put my forehead on the top of the steering wheel letting it all out for what feels like ages. Until I hear knocking on my window and wipe away the tears before looking up, rolling the window down as I see a pair of Blue eyes looking at me worried.

"Is everything okay?" He asks me leaning on the opened window

"Yeah... I just need a minute" I respond my voice breaking

"Did something happen?" He raises an eyebrow

"No its just stupid... I came here to watch my boyfriend race only to find out he has been cheating on me... like I should have noticed on how distant he got lately" I overshare

"Well that's not lovely... is there anything I can do?" He asks me and I look up at him with a genuine smile

"Not really, thank you tho. Not everyone would check on someone who is crying in their car" I say, joking about a situation that shouldn't be really joked about

"Hey, I get it. I didn't really have the best parents growing up, I needed someone but no one noticed how bar I was feeling" he overshares aswell

"Are we trauma bonding right now?" I chuckle

"I would love to but I need to go, Im already quite late" he says looking at his watch

"Sorry to bother you with this, im sure you got better things to do" I apologise

"Nothing is more important than mental health okay? Hold on" he says taking his phone out of his pocket, handing it to me, with an empty contact slot open

"Huh?" I say confused as he places his phone in my hands

"I can't just have you going through this by urself, give me your number and I'll check in with you later" he says smiling at me

I write my first name and put in my phone number before handing it back to him.

"Dylan. Nice to meet you, I'll message you in a bit" he says waving me goodbye running of towards the paddocks

"Wait whats your... name" I shout after him but he doesn't hear me anymore

Okay mysterious man... who are you...

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