47. This night for the very first time

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We arrive at this giant warehouse, nothing else nearby

"Is this the part where you tell me you're secretly a serial killer or something?" I ask him only slightly sarcastic

"I just want to share part of me with you" he says and gets out of the car and I get out too

"Where even are we?" I say and look around trying to spot a town name somewhere

"Stop being nosy, you will see soon enough" he says and takes out a backpack from the trunk of the car

"This looks more and more like a planned murder to me" I tell him and he smiles as he locks his car and walks towards the warehouse

"So a warehouse..." I try and get more out of him and he laughs at me attempts

He takes a key out of his pocket and unlocks the door, I notice the Mailbox and the doorbell with his last name on it

"Are you just gonna flex on me with your money?" I ask him jokingly

"Less questions" he tells me and I stay quiet as we enter the warehouse and I grab his hand while walking inside, nothing to see since its extremely dark

"Oh damn, is this where my demons live? Are you taking me to them?" I chuckle and Max jokingly hits my shoulder and cant help but laugh as well

"Im trying to find the light-switch wait" Max says and I suddenly hear something boot up and the lights start flickering before they jump on

"What the hell is this" I say overwhelmed and take some steps forward to see more of it

"This is where I learned karting, it shut down but I bought the place so I can use it whenever" Max says and grabs my hand as we continue further, up some stairs and I see a small karting track build up inside the warehouse

"This is insane, this must've cost a fortune" I gasp looking over the track

"It was worth it, I couldn't let this part of my childhood just get erased" He tells me and walks through a door

"Hey don't leave me alone here" I say and follow him through it, its a room full of racing helmets and gloves

"Oh my god, I remember this one... this is the helmet you wore in Spa 2021" I say when I spot it instantly "And this one was your 2022 helmet" I say excited "you kept them all?" I ask him

"Yeah, it's shows the progress I made. The left is Karting, then formula 3 and then my first year in formula 1 and afterwards my special designs and in 22 my first Championship helmet" he says and I move my finger over the number 1 on it

"This is like a Memory vault, this is amazing" I say and walk further to the right and notice another helmet design from this year... also Spa however its display case looks different from the others, it has the exact date of the grand prix on it instead of just the year and track name

"Thats the one I wore for the race after I met you" he tells me and approaches me from behind, wrapping his hands around me and resting his head on my shoulder "its the only one I could never forget" he says quietly into my ear

Eventho it wasn't anything crazy, the fact that he put thought into this is giving me chills.

"This is just... incredible" I cant stop but be amazed

"Hold on" Max says and pulls something out of his pocket and throws it to me, some piece of fabric

"What is this?" I ask confused

"A Balaclava, so you can comfortably wear a helmet" he says and I raise and Eyebrow

"Okay but why are you giving me one?"

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