51. Home is where you are

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We checked out pretty early, after we both woke up around 7 and couldn't sleep anymore, probably because we're both excited about the engagement and moving in together that we just couldn't wait to finally get home

We're now just minutes away from Monte Carlo and the entire ride Ive been smiling at the engagement ring, while Max has his hand on my thigh for most of the drive

"I wonder what the others are gonna say" I say to Max

"We'll probably that its way too soon to get married" he says

"Right... thats possible, however im sure about it" I say and grab Max' hand thats on my thigh and give it a little squeeze

"We're nearly there" Max says as we take a turn into a street filled with expensive cars "this city is beautiful" I gasp as we drive past all the houses

"Yeah, its not bad... it will get so much better with you Here though" he says flattering me and pulls into a garage, holding a keycard in-front the to pad to open the garage and he drives down

"Damn, I thought that the cars outside were expensive but look at all of these" I say overwhelmed

Max parks next to one of the expensive cars and we get out of the car and grab out stuff from the back seat and the trunk before walking towards the elevator

"I can still not believe this is happening" I say, as it still feels unreal to move in with Max in a new country

"We haven't even made it upstairs yet" He says and we get into the elevator and press the button for the top floor

"I need to call my Parents once we're inside and have settled" I tell Max and he nods

"Do you want to do the honours?" He asks me holding out the key

"I'd love to" I say excited and take the key and walk up to the door with Verstappen written on the doorbell

I slowly twist the key and open the door into the Penthouse and step into the little entrance area to store our shoes and jacket

"It all feels so empty" I say when the choice of clothing hangers is huge, only one jacket hanging there

"Well, I spent more time in my house in the Netherlands so I was barely here" Max says and points me to the next room

"Well, its time we get some life in here" I say and walk into the next room

"WELCOME HOME" Suddenly a crowd of people scream as I walk into the living room, scaring the living shit out of me

"Oh my fucking god" I say pressing my hand on my heart "what is all this?" I ask looking at familiar faces

"Well, we're practically neighbours now so we had to give you a great welcome" Lando says excited

"Plus I think theres something else we need to celebrate" Alexandra says and everyone looks at her and me confused

"Come on, look at how the both of them are glowing with happiness." She says and taps on her ring finger, im confused on how quickly she added it up

"Oh my god" Charles say "you guys are engaged?" Charles says picking up on Alexandra's hints and I point at the ring with a huge smile

"Congratulations man" Lando says and hugs Max before turning to me

"And welcome to the group, congratulations" he says and hugs me too

"Congratulations Dylan, I knew you would make the right choice" Alexandra says and hugs me too

"I had this girl who gave me the right idea" I smile at her and Charles approaches me

"Im sure my brother can't know about this" Charles asks and I shake my head

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