Episode 5: You're Undead To Me

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At a similar piece of woods nearby, a man hikes down one of the many trails of the park, escorting a few boys and girls towards the path as well. They're here for a little outdoors trip, and as one of two only adults, it's the man's job to do the obvious, make sure they get around safely, especially with how dark it is around here. 

"Dad, are you sure about this?" One of the kids, the youngest boy in the group, asks as he almost literally shakes in his little shoes. "It's scary out here, why couldn't we have waited for morning to go out?" He questions him, not liking the chills he's getting thanks to his vision still not adjusting to the darkness. 

"Because, we only have two days, your old man can plan for crap, and our stay would've been canceled if we waited a couple hours longer." The man tells his boy with a humorous, but self-criticizing expression on his face. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to have the tent be my first priority." 

"Aren't there gonna be mosquitos now?" The oldest girl notes as she anxiously glances around, causing the man to sigh a little bit as he realizes that she's gone into outside-phobia stage. 

"Yes, but-"

"Did we bring bug spray?"

"Yes, Amy, don't worry-"

"Don't mosquitos suck our blood, does that mean we could die-"

"Amy!" His father holds up a hand as he quickly snaps her out of her quavering rant. "It's gonna be fine, no, they don't kill you." He assures her, while trying his best not to laugh at her amusing antics. He then points to an obvious fireplace placed for campers like them. "Go set your sleeping bags if you're tired, I'm gonna make sure your mother is looking for the tent." He tells them with a comforting smile before walking back to where they came from. 

The trail isn't as long as it may seem, so getting to where the truck is doesn't take any longer than ten minutes.  While on his way there, there's a small rough sound that causes him to pause for a brief moment, but with one look towards it, all he sees is woods. So, he just shrugs it off. 

Eventually, he finds the recognizable big white vehicle, and spots his wife trying to find something in the trunk. "Hey, you should make sure you grab that tent first, the kids are already getting nervous just standing here." 

"And let me guess, you didn't help quell it even a tiny bit?" The woman queries with a knowing voice, as if already having a clear image of the dialogue that was going on at the campsite without being being there. 

"What? No, babe, of course I wouldn't do something like that." The man defends himself, trying to look offended that she would even guess that sort of thing. But then, he shows off the small smirk in his face. "I'm gonna be doing that right after we get a fire going." He confirms with a wink and click of his tongue.

"I don't expect anything less." The woman sarcastically remarks, causing her husband to laugh out loud as he then walks over to the driver's seat of the truck.

"Okay, now, where did I put that....?" He mumbles after opening the door, looking around until he finds a metal water bottle under the seat itself. "Ah, there it is! Forgot my water bottle." He points out with a semi-victorious look. "You need help with anything?" He then turns to the women. 

"No, I'm fine." She assures him with a smile and nod, prompting him to do a cowboy tip of his invisible hat before heading back down the small trail. 

As he continues walking, he checks the time on his watch and sees that it is past ten P.M. "Geez, it really is that late..." He comments, as if he went past farther than 3 A.M. But anyhow, he eventually makes his way back to the kids.

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