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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐈-𝐒𝐎𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐀𝐍 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄. Processing what had just happened before he decided to get the courage to play basketball with the other avatars. "Hey, new guy" one of the them called out. "You play?"

"Um, yeah, I did in high school." 

Ezra walked towards them, grabbing the ball and shooting it into the net at the first try. Just before he was to continue playing, Norm and the other doctors came running outside. "Ezra! You're not supposed be running, you'll faint" Norm called out. 

Ezra, however, was known for his speed. Running as fast as he can, away from everyone that was calling him. Eventually, he stopped. Taking a fruit from the foreign planet, he took a bite out of it, groaning from pleasure. 

"Marine, you butt naked, pull up your gown," Grace said. Cons of being a tall person and becoming tall in the avatar body, he wasn't the size of the clothes they prepared for everyone. 

"Grace?" he questioned in disbelief, seeing her in her avatar body. "Well, who'd you expect," she said. "Never run off like that again."


It was later in the evening, and Grace called all the avatar's to be in the shed immediately. In the corner was Ezra, playing with his tsaheylu. "Ezra, enough, you'll go blind," Grace warned. Ezra placed his head down on his bed. For once, he felt his sleepiness take over him. Ezra felt calm in his body, unlike his human form, he always felt some type of stress. 

He closed his eyes and entered his human body. Pushing the top of the machine, he got up and took a big stretch before being introduced Trudy, a pilot.

"You guys have a lot of heavy gear," he commented. "Yeah, that's because we aren't the only flying weird things around here...or the biggest."

Trudy gave Ezra a turn before handing him to Miles Quaritch, who was benching heavy weights. "Yes, Colonel."

"You know, this low gravity will make you soft," he began. "You get soft, Pandora will shit you out dead with zero warning boy."

"I see you Corporal. Venezuela was something, they said you took them like boy killing a fly." Ezra nodded at the compliment. He was someone who couldn't take it without saying thank you and making it awkward by picking his nails. 

Miles began to walk, having Ezra follow him from behind, he continued talking about his wars in diferent contries, then spoke about the violent, savage creatures that  live in the country. "You see, I wanted to look pretty again," he spoke about the scar on his face. "But I think it gives me a quite handsome look, you think so Corporal."

There was no thought behind Ezra's eyes. He blanked out, not able to think of a response. Miles smirked at the boy, he was nervous yet so fierce in war. Miles climbed up the robots that copied every move the driver did. 

He continued his yapping session as Ezra stood there. "Corporal, I want you to you to learn these savages from the inside. Gain their trust, I need to know how to deal with these things. You can do everything Grace does, walk like her, but you will report to me."

Ezra nodded, he was sometimes known to be rulebreaker, since this was a new planet and he was going to receive a large amount of money, Ezra decided he must change for his own benefits. 

"Can you do that for me son?"

"Yes, sir." 

Miles nodded in please. "Alright then." This is something is liked. Someone who obeyed him without any hesitation. He enjoyed having Ezra on his team, made life a lot more easier for him. "Ezra Sully, I take care of what I own. You get me what I need, you'll get all the money you want and have the best life you could ever imagine when going back home."

Ezra nodded in agreement. "We have a deal, sir." 

"Link's ready," Jim said later into the day. Grace looked down at Ezra who was in the machine, preparing to reunite with his avatar. "Remember, don't go running off, let listen to Norm please. Enough with the zoning out."

Ezra nodded before she pulled down the machine so he could link fully. 

Everyone, excluding Trudy and Lyle, were in their avatar. All in their helicopter flying though Pandora. Ezra was memorized by the planet's nature, the animals. Soon, the helicopter landed in the forest. "One idiot with a gun is enough," Grace assured Lyle as Norm and Ezra followed her. 

"Relax, their lemurs, harmless," insured Grace. Ezra was conscious of the new area, holding on tight to his weapons for safety. 

Wandering around, Ezra was left behind with one of the foreign plants. He pushed his arm towards on of them and as a response, they shrunk to a small size. He did the same to another and they did the same. Soon, they all did. "Flabbergasting," he mumbled to himself. 

Ezra turned around just to see a larger animal with its family behind it. "Grace!" he called out in fear. "Do not shoot, Ezra. Do not." She warned calmly. "You'll piss him off."

"Bullshit, I think it's already pissed off."

"Ezra, its armor is very thick, there's no point." Ezra was convinced and point his weapon away. "Okay, now make sure you don't run or else it will charge."

"So what? Do I dance with it?"

"Hold your ground, don't look like your scared." 

Ezra remained calm, the animal ran towards Ezra and Ezra did the same. Yelling to show dominance.  The creature soon looked like it was in fear, Ezra's ego raised now. "Oh, come on now bitch. You scared?"

"You back to your mommy, you got nothing against me." He thought he did something before he turned around to see a thanator behind him. "Oh shit."

"Grace! Now, what? Dance, run, shot? Don't do any of the above?"

"Dumbass, run!"

"Thank goodness, I did track!"

Ezra ran as fast as he could to save himself. Having no such knowledge of where he was going. Jumping above logs, going under them too, but no matter what he did, he couldn't escape it. 

Ezra eventually came across a waterfall and without thinking, he jumped into the water. 



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