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(One year later)

    The smell of warm sugar cookies filled the air inside of the mansion upon the snowy

hills. The mansion was decorated in ribbons and lights on the outside just as well as the inside. It

was Christmas time, and the birth of Virginia and Cornelius's baby sparked a certain excitement.

    "Seraphina's first Christmas." Virginia smiled down at the bassinet below her in the

dimness of the living room that was lit up only by candles and the flame of the fireplace. The living

room was decorated in green and red lights and a huge white Christmas tree centered the room.

Under it sat a load of presents wrapped nicely. Three red stockings hung above the fireplace each

with a small gift peeking from the top.

    Cornelius entered the room, his cheeks rosy from the cold. He had just got back from work.

A light blanket of snow laid over the coat that he was taking off. He walked over to where Virginia

and Seraphina were and wrapped an arm around Virginia who was holding the baby.

    "Her hair is getting long." Virginia ran her palm over the baby's head, smoothing out the

sandy blonde waves, the baby giggled in response.

    "She's going to have hair like yours." Cornelius said, "Let me?" He reached for his

daughter.Virginia handed her to him and he cradled her gently but her eyes welled up with tears.

"What?" he said as an attempt to sooth her, but it didn't help.

    "Maybe she's hungry?" Virginia tilted her head, "I know I am."

    Cornelius ignored her comment and carried the baby over to the tree, sitting her down on the

rug. She was able to hold herself up finally.
    "Here darling." he unwraps one of the smaller gifts, revealing a brown sugar colored teddy

bear. "This is daddy's gift to you."

    She looked at the bear with skepticism but after feeling the soft texture she adjusted to it and

smiled as she took it into her small arms.

"Cornelius, that bear is almost as big as her! " Virginia chuckled.

Cornelius stood up, draping his left arm around Virginia, running a hand through her hair

and then trailing down her back. He kissed the top of her head and then picked up the baby and

gestured for them to put her to bed. They walked upstairs and put her into her cream colored crib

that sat in the corner of their room.

    After the baby drifted into a deep sleep, Virginia walked to her vanity and sat in front of her

mirror while Cornelius changed in their walk in closet. She began to hum a familiar tune.

"Each day I paint my face, until I'm blue, until I'm blue.

But don't fret for this is nothing new, nothing new.

when they put me in the ground, six feet down, six feet down."

    "Virginia?!" Cornelius stood in the frame of the closet.

    Virginia startled and turned around in her chair, "yes?" she whispered not wanting wake the


    "Why such a morbid song?" He raised an eyebrow.

    "W-what?" she shook her head in confusion.

    "Nevermind." he dismissed and walked up behind her, placing his hands on her bare

shoulders. A comfortable silence came between them, Virginia didn't react to him, just continued

to brush out her hair.

    "Let's go to bed," he leaned in, inches from her head, she could feel his warm breath

tickling her ear. "Virginia?"

    "Yeah?" she sighed in annoyance.

    "I said let's go to bed." he repeated.

    "Okay." she whispered and got up from her chair. Cornelius had already laid down on the

bed. As she walked over to the bed she shivered as she was only in her undergarments. She

suddenly felt exposed as she noticed Cornelius's eyes on her which was almost an obscure feeling

to her considering he was her husband, he was familiar with every inch of her wasn't he? They had

a child together. She couldn't shake this feeling, she rushed over to the bed and pulled the cover

over herself hastily. This behavior seemed rather odd to Cornelius. Virginia rolled over, her back

facing Cornelius. He cuddled up to her although the last thing she wanted was to be touched at this


    "You've lost quite a bit of weight my love." He whispered tracing her defined spine with his


    Isn't that what he wanted. She thought but said nothing.

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