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(Two years later)

Virginia woke up to a sore mouth, head slamming from the anastesia and foggy vision. She

scanned the room seeing all the drills and tools that are normally used at the dentist. She could taste

bitterness which she assumed was from the glue used to put in her new smile.

The door opened and smiling at her was Cornelius and their now three year old daughter

Seraphina who was dressed in a white dress with lavender flowers. Virginia attempted to smile but

her mouth was much too sore.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" Seraphina exclaimed.

"Quiet down Sera." Cornelius said and Seraphina pouted. "Now, let me see those pearly

whites." Cornelius smugly smirked. Virginia weakly sat up, Cornelius admired her

new teeth. The way they sparkled, the frosty white color that satisfied him compared to the yellow

cream color before. They had been shaved down and aligned perfectly.

    Once Virginia was home, back in the mansion she finally got a good look at her smile. They

were perfect, she almost didn't recognize herself. Between the bleaching of her hair, the colored

contacts, the false teeth and the corset that had been defining her waist, she looked like a complete

different woman. She wasn't sure she liked it. She started to sob, chalky mascara streaming down

her face. Her face became puffy and she fell asleep on the floor next to her vanity.

    Meanwhile, Cornelius was downstairs filing papers after putting Seraphina to bed. A pair

of glasses sat loosely on the bridge of his nose. He rarely wore glasses, only for business. Thinking

they made him look sophisticated. His focus on appearance was strong, he knew that. He must be
well groomed at all times as should his wife and children. In fact Cornelius believed women should

always look their best, they were meant to be beautiful and if they weren't it was unfortunate. To

him, Virginia was born with natural beauty but over time that had faded. He had to protect her

beauty and find ways to maintain it.

    After finishing papers he went upstairs to sleep and found Virginia by the vanity, his initial

thought being that she was dead and a pity it was, she made a pretty corpse. He soon saw

her chest rising and knew she was alive. Without hesitation he picked her up and laid her on the

bed, turning off the light and laying down himself.

    The next morning Cornelius awoke to the doorbell ringing, annoyed he went downstairs

to answer it. When he opened the door he was shocked to see Joanna, a friend of Virginia staring

back at him holding a basket of apples.

    "Jo?" he said, clearly groggy.

    "Neil." she replied, knowing how much he hates being called that.

    "What a pleasant surprise.." he blatantly lied.

    "Is she here?" Joanna asked.

    "Who? Virginia?" Cornelius said.

    "Yes Virginia! Surely you don't think I'm here to see you." She laughed as he made way

for her entrance.

    "She's upstairs, let me get her." Cornelius said but Joanna stopped him.

    "That's okay, I'll go up there." Joanna walked upstairs.

    She peeked into the master bedroom, she saw Virginia sitting on the bed braiding

Seraphina's hair. Virginia noticed Joanna's presence and smiled at the sight of her but Joanna barely

recognized her friend.

    "Don't just stand there, come in!" Virginia ushered her friend to come in. Joanna ran

to her, embracing her and Seraphina into a hug.

    "Oh how I've missed you." Joanna said as they pulled away. "This must be Sera?" she

looked between the child and Virginia who nodded. "She's darling."

    "Say hi dear." Virginia patted Sera's shoulder and she waved, "I wasn't expecting you,

I would have made tea."

    "Don't you fret over that!" Joanna laughed, "I brought you some apples, they're


    The women walked down to the kitchen, Virginia sat Sera in the highchair as she began

slicing the apples Joanna brought. Cornelius entered the room silently but not unnoticed. His

agitated expression caused Virginia to tense up. Joanna noticed this and smiled at the both of


    "Virginia? What is that you're making?" Cornelius asked.

    "Apple dumplings." she said quickly.

    "I hope you don't plan on having any." he says with a disapproving look on his face.

    Virginia put her head down as if in shame and continued to cook, she had become so use to

Cornelius's chastising that she didn't even have the energy to plead with him, Joanna however was

not. She was surprised by these actions and felt uncomfortable, she had to speak her mind.

    "Don't be ridiculous, Virginia is as thin as a broom! What's an apple dumpling going

to hurt?" Joanna said playfully, hoping to defuse the situation.

    A very awkward silence filled the kitchen, the tension so thick you could cut it with a

knife. Cornelius leaned gently against the wall eyeing Virginia while she rolled out the dough.

    "Why don't you put Seraphina down for a nap, honey." Virginia looked up at him. He

walked over and picked Sera up, she laid her head onto his shoulder as he marched up the tall


    "Virginia.." Joanna whispered, sorrow on her tongue.

    "I know." Virginia slammed the roller down and looked at Joanna.

    "This is that remarkable man you've written about in your letters!?" Joanna said.

    "He's not always like that, he's a good husband and dad." Virginia tried to explain, "he's

a businessman, he just wants his family to be presentable."

    "Presentable huh?" Joanna bit her tongue, "look at yourself, I don't even recognize you."

    These words stung, piercing through the flesh and into her heart, but Virginia knew she

was right. Joanna stood up, slowly coming towards Virginia. "I remember when I first met him, you

seemed so happy..I thought he was your match made in heaven." Joanna ran her hand over the

counter top. "What about the child?" Joanna looked up.

    "What about Sera?" Virginia pondered.

    "When she grows up, is she going to become a paper doll too?"

    A tear streamed down Virginia's face, and onto the dough. Joanna held Virginia's hand, and

squeezed it to provide comfort. They held onto one another as multiple tears rolled down their cheeks.

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