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( Four months later )

    It was a frigid evening when Seraphina laid in bed with a nasty flu. Her temperature so high

that Virginia wasn't sure how to get it down. Her face flushed, nose runny and a very watery cough

that worsened at night. Unsure of where she caught it, Virginia called multiple doctors for help but

unfortunately the snow storm had blocked off the entrance from the town where most physicians

lived. Thankfully, Joanna didn't live in town but on the opposite side of the mountain from

Virginia. Joanna hadn't came back much since the dumpling incident, but she was always there

when Virginia needed it.

    Joanna arrived the next day with a satchel filled with things to nurture Sera back to health.

Onto the kitchen counter she laid out a thermometer, a syringe, cough syrup, and some sort of

syrup that was unlabeled.

    "You have no idea how much we appreciate this." Virginia spoke with gratitude. "Aren't

we, Cornelius?"

    "Certainly," he nodded.

    "Now, this is generic cough syrup like you get at any shop, but this is elderberry syrup."

Joanna held up the bottle, "I made it myself. It's completely safe, helps strengthen the immune

system, tastes good too so she shouldn't put up a fight."

    Cornelius raised his brow, eyeing the syrup with skepticism, he'd never been one to

step outside the lines of medicine, he felt judgment towards Joanna for this. Though deep down

it rooted from being uneducated on the matter.
    "You think it's safe?" Cornelius asked Virginia about the elderberry after Joanna had left.

    "Indeed I do." Virginia smiled, "mother used to give it to me."

    "Yeah, I also always said your mother was a witch." Cornelius said, receiving a offended

look from his wife.

    "My mother was no witch, she was a religious woman." Virginia stated.

    "Witches are pagan, that's technically a religion." Cornelius laughed patronizingly.

"You know what I mean," Virginia folded her arms, "don't be so close minded." she

began to walk away.

    "Don't walk away from me." he reached for her wrist.

    "Stop!" Virginia shouted when all the sudden she felt a hot sting across her cheek, she bent

over in shock and fear. "Y-you slapped me?" she said as though she didn't believe it.

    "I'm sorry Virginia!, please forgive me dear!" He panicked and went to touch her for


    "Don't touch me!" Virginia put her hand out, stopping him. He backed away. "What's

happened to you..?" she wept as she left the room, leaving Cornelius to himself.

    Hours passed, the mansion remained silent. Virginia stayed awake all night, tending to

Seraphina's needs, singing her lullaby's and trying her best to hold herself together. When morning

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