Let Your Heart Guide You

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(Night falls and rain starts falling. Poppy and the others got themselves out the rubble from the earthquake)

Poppy: Is everyone all right?

Kelsey: (fixes her glasses) I think so, Poppy.

John Dory: Man! That is some earthquake!

Spruce: At least we survived, after Sharptooth almost ate us.

Clay: Hey, where's Littlefoot?

Littlefoot: (OS) Poppy! Guys, are you out there?

Poppy: Over here, Littlefoot!

Littlefoot: (turns and sees Poppy and the others and rushes to them) There you are!

Floyd: Are you okay, kid?

Littlefoot: I'm alright, But I was hoping you'd be okay. That earthshake was really bad.

Branch: Tell us about it.

Littefoot: Have you seen mother?

Viva: We thought she was with you.

Littlefoot: We got separated. I hope she's okay.

Poppy: Don't worry, Littlefoot. We'll help you find her.

Branch: Come on! Let's find Mrs. Longneck. We'd better make sure she's alright.

(The group made their way down the ledge as fast as they could. When they got to the bottom, they had to maneuver over broken rocks, and jump from one ledge to another. The rain showed them no mercy, making the ground slippery, and their vision obscure. It came down from the sky in torrents with no signs of letting up. Littlefoot and the Trolls became soaked to the bone, cold, and miserable. But they still continued their search. All they could focus on was finding the young Apatosaurus's mother)

Littlefoot: [looking for his mother] Mother!

Clay: Mrs, Longneck!

Poppy: Where are you?

John Dory: Mrs. Longneck!

Viva: Mrs. Longneck?

Littefoot: Mother! [still no answer; he jumps over a small gap] Mother, where are you?

(Kelsey saw something move against the dark grayness of the clouds. She saw something large draped over an outcrop of rocks)

Littlefoot's Mother: Oh.

Kelsey: Littlefoot, everyone! She's over there!

Branch: (sees Littlefoot's mother) Come on! Let's go!

(The nine friends quickly ran over to the fallen Apatosaurus. She groaned weakly as she heard them approach)

Littlefoot: [sees his mother who is injured from the fight] Mother! Mother? Please get up.

Littlefoot's Mother: [weakly] I'm....! I am not sure if I can, Littlefoot.

Littlefoot: Yes, you can. Get up.

[She tries to get up as her son asks. But a few seconds later, she falls back down due to her injuries)

Branch: (gasps)

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