Sharptooth Attacks and the Fight

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[As morning came, everyone else is still as sleep but Clay wakes up and walks out of the footprint, yawning and stretching. Suddenly he heard the sound of the growl. He's beginning to get scared by when he turned and saw something coming near to their direction, it was Sharptooth! Realizing Cera was telling the truth, he grew even more frightened that he walked backwards and fell on top of Viva]

Viva: Oww!

(Kelsey and Cera woke up at Viva's yell)

Viva: Clay, what's the big id--

Clay: Shh! (Points) Look.

(Kelsey, Viva, and Cera turned and looked in horror to see Sharptooth coming their way)

Viva: Oh my gosh!

Kelsey: You were telling the truth, Cera!

Clay: Wake the others! We have to get out of here!

(Cera nodded and begins to wake Littlefoot up]

Cera: Wake up. Wake up! Wake up!

Littlefoot: Hey, stop that.

Cera: [whispering] Shh! lt's Sharptooth.

Littlefoot: Cera, stop it.

Cera: Shh!!

John Dory: (wakes up) Huh? What? What's happening?

Kelsey: Guys, wake up! Quick!

Branch: What's going on?

Poppy: Yeah, what's all the fuss?

Viva: We have to get out of here! Sharptooth is alive!

John Dory: (Groans) That again?

Clay: Cera's telling the truth! Honest!

Cera: They're right! He'll eat us. He'll eat us! RUUNN!

Littlefoot: Stop! Come back!

[Everyone turns and looks up in horror to see Sharptooth is alive and has found them)

Spruce: Sharptooth!

John Dory: So, it's true. He really is alive! Quick everyone! WE GOTTA RUN!!!

(Everyone got out of the footprint before Sharptooth steps on them, which also destroys Littlefoot's special tree star from his mother)

Littlefoot: That way! Through the rocks!

(Cera arrives at the opening first and quickly slips between the boulders; the others follow closely behind)

Littlefoot: Don't look back! Keep going!

(Cera was in the lead, Spike followed close behind with Ducky and Petrie riding on his back, clutching on for dear life; and Littlefoot was quite a distance behind. Sharptooth pounces onto the ground sending Littlefoot flying and releasing his raging roar. Spike raced in, becoming wedged in the tunnel. Littlefoot tugged on him from the other side of the opening to help him through)

Branch: Help them get through! I'll keep ol'One eye busy! (Runs off)

John Dory: Branch! What are you doing?!?!

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