Meeting Ducky and Petrie

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(A dancing shadow across the rocky bottom of a pond denotes a small creature is swimming just above. Preceded by a cluster of bubbles, the dark silhouette of a baby Saurolophus enters and probes the bottom for food. Suddenly, she turns on hearing Littlefoot's offstage sad, animal sounds. Swimming quickly over and up to him, she sees his face, wobbly and distorted from below the surface of the water)

Branch: Well, at least we could use a break for a while. But we still have a long way to go if were going to make it to Great Valley.

John Dory: Yeah. Right now, let's kick back and relax.

Spruce: My thoughts exactly.

(Poppy, Viva, and Kelsey were splashing each other)

Girls: (laughing)

(Kelsey noticed something swimming near them and Littlefoot)

Kelsey: (freaks out) AHHH! There's something in the water!

Poppy and Viva: (Screams)

(Branch and his brothers rushed to their aid)

Floyd: Girls, what happened?

Viva: Kelsey saw something in the water! Might be a snake!

(But it reveals to be the baby Saurolophus that jumps out of the water)

Ducky: Hello.

Kelsey: Oh, that's not a snake. It's only a little swimming dinosaur.

Ducky: That's right. I am sorry if I scared you and your friends. I thought you were a strange rock or something.

Kelsey: We're actually Trolls, but that's alright. You just surprised us.

Poppy: Don't worry. We're just resting here because we are on a long journey.

Ducky: Okay, (turns to Littlefoot) Hello. l said hello. What is your name? Maybe you cannot talk yet. Huh? Huh?

Littlefoot: Don't you know anything? Long-necks don't talk to, uh, whatever you are.

Ducky: Me? I'm a long-neck, too. See? And I have a long tail like you.

Clay: Doesn't look like the long-neck to me.

Ducky: All right... I'm not a long-neck. I'm a bigmouth, but I am all alone. I am.

John Dory: Alone? What happened?

Ducky: (sniffs) I lost my family in the big earthshake.

Spruce: The Earthshake? That means you got separated too.

Viva: Poor thing.

Littlefoot: Um... you want to go with us?

Ducky: Yeah! Oh. Oh, yes, yes, yes! I do, I do!

John Dory: (laughs) Just stick with us kid! That way we can keep you safe.

Poppy: And we can't just leave you all alone.

Littlefoot: (chuckles) All right. Come on...

Branch: But you have stay close to us so keep up.

Ducky: I will keep up. I will. [Hums] Where are we going?

Littlefoot: To the Great Valley. I won't stop until I find my grandparents.

Ducky: Do you think my family went to the Great Valley, too?

Littlefoot: Maybe. My mother said it's where all the herds were going.

Ducky: Oh, I hope. I hope. I hope.

Littlefoot: My name's Littlefoot.

Poppy: I'm Poppy and this is Branch, Kelsey, and Viva

Floyd: And we're Branch's brothers Floyd, John Dory, Clay, and Spruce a.k.a Bruce.

Ducky: Mine is Ducky. Yep, that's what it is. Yep, yep, yep.

(Littlefoot, Ducky, and Viva are crossing a dry lake bed, dotted with straggly palm trees. Both are playing a game of hopscotch trying not to step in the cracks in the dry mud. Ducky began to sing a little random ditty that made the long-neck giggle)

Ducky: [humming] Don't step on a crack, or you'll fall and break your back.

Viva: (laughing) I love a game of hopscotch!

(Ducky's stomach growl)

Ducky: Heh heh. My stomach is talking.

Littlefoot: Mine, too.

Kelsey: I guess we oughta have a snack right now. (eats a banana)

Poppy: You're right.

Littlefoot: Hmm. I wonder what this tastes like.

[Littlefoot grabs a leaf until someone screamed]

Ducky: The tree is talking.

Littlefoot: No, it isn't.

Ducky: You should not eat talking trees. Nope, nope, nope.

Branch: Wait a minute. I think something's up there.

(Littlefoot tugged harder and something dark fell out of the tree, shrieking. It slid down the vine right onto his face)

Littlefoot: Aaaaaaaaah!!!!

Ducky: Aaaahh!

[Littlefoot screams, accidentally letting go of the branch, sending a screaming creature through the air and crashes through the ground)

John Dory: Whoa! What was that?

(Ducky goes over to check on him. It was a small Pteranodon]

Ducky: Who are you? Huh?

Petrie: M-my name Petrie.

Ducky: Petrie, huh? Funny name.

Petrie: Uh, I--I flied?

Branch: Nope. You obviously fell.

Petrie: I falled? Ohh!

Ducky: You cannot fly?

Viva: Well, how did you get up there anyway?

Petrie: I climb.

Littlefoot: But you're a flier, not a faller.

Petrie: Hard thing to fly. (tries to fly, but fails)

Littlefoot: I guess it is. We can't do it

Ducky: Nope, we cannot do that alright.

Branch: Well, we better be moving along.

Kelsey: You may come and join us too, Petrie.

Petrie: To where?

Kelsey: The Great Valley, of course. We're Kelsey, Branch, Poppy, Viva, John Dory, Spruce, Clay, Floyd, Littlefoot, and Ducky.

Clay: (in his head) I hope Cera didn't get lost in the gorge.

End of part 5

Trolls' Adventures of The Land Before TimeWhere stories live. Discover now