Ch. 1

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Love.. what is love? Is it a thing? A place? A person? Is Love even a feeling? I "Fell in love" once, a long time ago. This beautiful girl stood right in front of me, as the wind blew, she told me nothing. Just walked away, no answer, I got nothing. But love isn't an object or a toy, it's nothing you can hold. It's a lie... Love is not real nor will it ever be...


Chains hit my thigh as I walk, people stare and whisper. I stare in front of me, avoiding others eye contact. Slowly sliding into the classroom, I sit in a desk in the back of the room.

The bell rings and everyone fills in the empty desks, a couple people glance at my black pants and chained body. The teacher steps in the room with big brown eyes, blonde hair and a black mini skirt?

The heat rises to my face, my hand quickly covers my mouth. "We have a new student.. who seems to already found a seat without introducing himself.." she chuckles nervously.

"Tch," I stand up, look around. "Eren, Eren Jäger..." I slam back down in my chair, slouching. "Why don't you tell us about you Eren." The teacher smiles, I sigh and once again stand.

I turn, jumping on the desk top, I cross my arms over my chest. "I moved from Germany and blah blah blah. Barf... Don't fuck with me and I won't fuck with you.." I sit down.

"Mr. Jäger! I don't appreciate you language!" Teacher says, I click my tongue and begin my way the her standing point. "Got something against Germans?" I smirk, looking her. "No, sit down.." I walk to the deck and slide in the chair, moving my trench coat out of the way.

I knew that the other students were frightened by my appearance, a slight smirk slides on my face. As the teacher begins to teach, a sigh rolls off my tongue and I drop my head on my desk.

"Stitches...." I say quietly, the key my father gave me, hits the desk. I carefully tuck it back in my shirt and sit through class bored out of my mind. I pull my notebook out of my bag and open it to an empty page.

July 29th, 2015

It is a disaster.... I'm basically the new emo/goth kid on the street, and I'm probably not going to befriend may people. I don't trust any of them...

I look up at the students, scanning everyone. But not in a creepy stalker way. I look at the notebook, and begin to write again.

Some of the kids in this class, are just... I guess I could say weak...they all look weak, but just because I wear chains and black doesn't mean I'm tough either. But I know I'm tougher than them, I can tell... I have a feeling if any one tries to pick on me, it will be because my accent. But I don't think anyone would dare right now....

The bell rang as I close my notebook, I look at the clock and run to my next class. People stare but I give them little hidden curse words under my breath.


"24,6,9...." I unlock the locker and grab textbooks. I shove all my things in my bag and shut my locker, I sigh and put my head on the cold metal. I slightly look to my left and a boy opens his locker, a couple lockers away from mine.

His hair a raven color that clashes with the sliver in his eyes, he glances at me and smirks but looks away into his locker. "You're going to stare at me all afternoon, newbie?" The smirk still on his face. I chuckle, "No, I'd rather not.." I lift my head. "Oh?" He asks, rising an eyebrow.

I swing my bag on my shoulder and lean against the lockers. "Do you want me to stare at you or something?" I smile, he puts his things in his locker and shuts it.

"I wouldn't mind. No one ever looks like me that much. Just a person in the background." He smiles but you can see the hurt in his glowing eyes.

"You trying to pull me in?" I knew he was trying to get my attention some way or how.. I gently played along.

"You saw through me? Ha.. first time that's happened..." He chuckles. "Where you from.... Eren?" He begins to walk out of the school front doors. I look at the time, school got out 15 minutes ago, "Germany." I answer.

"I figured. It's easy to tell, you have an accent." He pulls a lighter out of his pocket and a cigarette out of the other. He puts the cigarette between his lips and lights it, he sucks in.

His cheeks cave in slightly as he does so. No one is on campus and we walk down the sidewalk. He carefully blows out a cloud of smoke and I can smell it. I try to fight the urge to ask for a drag, I bite my lip holding back my words.

"Here.. stop being a pussy and ask, brat." He personality changed right when we got out if the school. I take the cigarette from him and suck in the smoke. The toxic air fills my lungs and I feel it burn a little, I breathe out through my nose and close my eyes.

I hum in satisfaction, "It's been forever since I've smoked." I take in a long drag and hold it, then breathe out. I hand the cigarette back to him, and he flicks off the ashes.

"Levi, Levi Ackerman." He looks ahead but stops. "Levi..." I say quietly and nod to myself, making a mental note. "Your parents going to care if you're out late?" He asks.

I look down, "No.. my parents are dead." I look at him, my head still down. "Same.. I have an 'adopted' father. I adopted him more than he about me." I smile and rise an eyebrow. "Oh?" I mock him. "You must be very trusting if you're just going to come to my place barely knowing me." He looks at me with one eye, the other covered by his hair.

"Do I have a reason not to go? There nothing you can do that someone else hadn't done to me." I cross my arms. "Don't be so sure about that." He smirks, he begins to walks crossing the street.

"You coming?" He asks. I think for a second standing still, Levi puts his hand on his waist. "Don't have all day brat!" He yells. "Yeah," I run across the street.

"I'm comin'..."

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