Part 1

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Breathing in the cold air of the night her breath forms and fades. She sighs with sadness wishing that he was by her side. Bells draw closer, and a voice speaks up.

"Would you like some hot chocolate ma'am?" he says, holding a steaming mug.

Still looking at the scene before her she responds, "No thank you, Timothy, I'm alright"

She hears his footsteps draw further away carrying the jingle sound with him. Now all she's left with is the cold, the stars, and the glistening snow. Every year for centuries it's like this. At first, she never did mind the waiting. She loved his passion for the children but for the last 50 years, he's grown distant. He's always in his workshop or in his office. She could clearly see that something was wrong and yet any time she asked him about it a huge fight would ensue. She gave up, not wanting to stir any more conflict; she left him to his own devices. Even so, here she is, waiting for him to come like she always has. She could feel all these things building up but maybe tonight could go just like normal, just like they used to.

Waiting and watching she finally hears the clomping of Reindeer feet landing on the soft snow. Getting up from the porch she goes inside and grabs two mugs filled with hot cocoa and marshmallows. She waits for him inside, sitting on the couch by the fire. Staring at the flame in front of her she wonders what happened to theirs. Shaking off the thought, the front door to the cabin opens bringing in a cold chill.

He wipes the snow off his clothes and hangs his hat on the coat rack. He walks past her and goes into the bedroom, She hears him sigh. She guesses he's had a long night. He walks back into the living room wearing the coat she got him last year for Christmas. She can tell he's looking for something.

"What is it that you're looking for?" she ask curiously

"My keys to the workshop. Do you know where they are?"

"You're going to the workshop? I thought we could sit by the fire and maybe watch some movies. I know you had a long night, why don't you relax with me?"

"I really would like to honey but right now I just need to get to the workshop." he says with a frustrated tone.

"Why? Why do you HAVE to go to the workshop right NOW? You just got back from delivering presents. I have been waiting for you all night." she says with a raised voice and hope, hope that he'll listen.

Pinching the bridge of his nose he says to her, "Look, it was a rough night and I'm just trying to get a head start for next year. You know how much I need to plan!"

"One night. One night Kris! That's all I'm asking for. You've been busy all year, I have seen you less and less; you barely come out of your workshop or office and you barely even see ME!" She stands from the couch and faces him.

Squaring his shoulder to her he responds, "Not this again! I've already explained to you how important planning all this out is!"

"I don't get it?! I don't get it! I've been with you since the beginning. I've helped you from the start! These past few years we've barely spent time together. I gave you your space, I tried to let you figure it out but there's only so much I can take. I miss you!" She yells breathlessly, angrily.

"And you don't think I miss you too ?! But there are millions of children counting on me! Am I just supposed to forget about them! Huh?!" he says questioningly

"..." shocked and hurt at his words she takes a moment to respond.

Without giving her that time to respond he cuts her short, walking to the front door, he says, "Yeah, I didn't think so."

He slams the front door closed causing the door frame to crack. She closes her eyes and takes in a shaky breath, swallowing the lump in her throat. One of the logs in the fireplace pops breaking her out of her trance. She had seen this coming for a while now. She had already cried so many nights before that now it felt like there were no more tears to give. She was done. Anger took over, slamming the mugs of cocoa on the floor, she got off the couch and headed straight for their bedroom. Pulling out a suitcase she stuffs her clothes, toothbrush, deodorant, anything that she might need. She wasn't going to stay here and take this anymore. Picking up her bags, not knowing how long she'll be gone for, she walks out the front door and heads to her friend's house.

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