Part 5

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It's silent on the way to wherever they're going. Neither Mr. or Mrs. Claus speaks, both uncertain of what to say. Stopping at the top of a mountain Mr. Claus helps her out of the sleigh and reaches for the blanket and basket. Walking through a forest they make their way to a frozen-over lake with big pine trees all around dusted with perfect white powdery snow. Mrs. Claus looks around in awe remembering the scenery in front of her. Mr Claus places the blankets down and pulls out lunch. Mrs. Claus sits down and chuckles to herself.

"You made grilled cheese?" She questions him amusingly.

"Yes, I did." He says with a proud smile

Sitting next to each other they both feel the void of not being in each other's presence become filled again as they sit and bask in nature's beauty. Clearing his voice Mr. Claus began to speak.

"This place still looks as beautiful as that day. You know I was so nervous that I ended up making you about 45 rings. I kept thinking that each ring was either too dull or not detailed enough. I had finally thought I made the perfect one. I put it in the box and made sure to take you up here right as the sun was setting. Once I got up the courage to ask you I hadn't even noticed that I grabbed the wrong box." Chuckling he continued "I had accidentally grabbed the box that I was practicing with, the ring inside was the first one I had made. Really it was just to make sure I got the size and shape right, nothing special to it, just a sanded-down piece of wood, and yet as soon as I got down on one knee and opened that box, you were over the moon. You said it was the most beautiful ring you had ever seen. I had forgotten how special you are to me and I am truly sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I was trying to keep you safe."

"Keep me safe from who?"

"From me. For the last 50 years, there's been a change with the kids. They've stopped believing in me. It started small but eventually it snowballed and I didn't want that to affect you."

"Kris." she says placing her hand on his "You know you can talk to about things like this. We're supposed to be able to lean on one another."

"You don't understand, it's not just the kids not believing, it's the fact that it serves as another reminder of what I can't give you."

"Oh Honey," she says. Shifting her weight she straddles him and places both her hands on his face cupping his cheeks. "You are what I want. You have always been everything that I have ever wanted or could have wanted. When we found out we weren't able to have kids it hurt at first but you are my family. I know it hurt you to hear what the doctors said but I never looked at you any differently. Seeing that spark in your eyes as you build and create has always been enough for me. I just wish you would trust me enough to let me see you when you hurt"

"I do trust you, it's myself that I don't trust. You don't deserve someone who brings you down. I was looking in the mirror every day and seeing someone I couldn't even recognize. I knew it was my own brain tricking me and so I wanted to fix it on my own."

"You look me in the eyes Kris. I have been sad and angry for the way you've been acting these past few years, not to mention these past few weeks but anytime that feeling comes up you have to tell me because the piercing blue eyes that I'm looking into right now are the same eyes of the man I fell in love with." Tears start to roll down her face. "Now I don't need for you to fix yourself when you aren't broken. All I need is for you to talk to me and we can figure it out together. Do you hear me, mister? I love you but if you feel you can't do that, if you feel that all that I have said was a lie you let me know right now so that I can make sure I never have to go through that again."

Mr. Claus's eyes glisten over as he stares back into her flaming red-brown eyes. Man, did he love this woman. All he could muster up in response was a kiss. A kiss that let her know exactly what he was trying to say. It was a promise, a promise that he would keep till the end of time. She still knew that work needed to be done but right now she had gotten her best friend back, she had gotten back the man she loved.

                                                                                        The end  

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