Part 4

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Waking up in an empty bed Mr. Claus sits up rubbing the sides of his head. The bottle from last night leaves him with nothing but regret. He walks into the kitchen and makes himself a cup of coffee. He stares at the couch remembering all the times Mrs. Claus waited for him. The way her eyes were filled with joy as he walked through the front door and her excited smile as he told her of the night's events.

The ringing from the landline brought him back to reality. Picking up the phone Timothy, his head elf, informed Mr. Claus that the planning for the production line was completed.

"We're all set to make toys Mr. Claus, "Timothy says enthusiastically.

"That's great Timothy. Today I won't be in. I have to take care of some things. Would you take over for today?"

"Of course sir, this is a great honor."

"Thank you, Timothy, I'll check in tomorrow."

Placing the phone back down Mr. Claus places his mug in the sink and heads to their bedroom. Putting on his best outfit he glances to her side of the bedroom. Looking at the snow globe she keeps on her dresser he gets an idea. Packing blankets and a lunch, he sets out to Whoville.

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Mrs. Claus wakes up to wet kisses on her face, she opens her eyes and sees Max on the side of the bed licking her cheek. The dog realizes she's woken up and jumps on top of the bed. Mrs. Claus sits up rubbing behind the dog's ear and hears Martha call for him. Max runs out the door quickly leaving Mrs. Claus behind. Getting up she walks into the kitchen. Martha was standing by the stove cooking some eggs and bacon.

"Morning Jessica, how did you sleep?"

"I slept okay"

"Would you like some food?"

"No, thank you I'll just have some coffee"

Martha looks at her friend with concern as she hands Jessica a mug full of coffee. Taking a seat next to Mrs. Claus Martha can't help but feel concerned for her friend.

"Hey I know things seem really bleak right now but I'll always be here if you need me, okay?"

"Thank you, Martha. I'll be okay, just gotta figure some things out."

A knock on the front door prompts Martha to answer it. Martha thinks it's the mailman but to her surprise she finds Mr. Claus standing there.

"What are you doing here? Do you know how much you hurt her last night? You better have a damned good apology!"

Hearing the commotion Mrs. Claus goes to see who's at the front door, stopping once his familiar eyes meet with her own. Martha steps aside letting him in. Mr. Claus stands in front of Jessica asking her a question.

"Last night was rough for me and I know that's no excuse for how I acted and I am so sorry but if you'll allow me I'd like to take you for lunch and explain everything to you. Is that okay?"

Silence fills the air. Mrs. Claus is unsure what to say, all these emotions are stirring in her. She's hurt and angry at the way he's been behaving but even through all that pain, she knew she still loved him.

"I'm not saying I accept your apology but I am willing to hear you out if you promise this will be a conversation and not turn into an argument?"

His crystal blue eyes flashed with joy and hope as he promised Mrs. Claus that this would not go just like yesterday.

"I promise"

"Okay umm let me get dressed first and I'll meet you outside."

He nods and heads outside standing by his sled. Martha closes the door behind him.

"Are you sure you're okay with going?"

"Yes, he's never been one to initiate the conversation and I'm hoping this will help us work things out."

"Alright Jess, let me know how it goes okay?"

Nodding Mrs. Claus heads back into the guest bedroom putting on her favorite red sweater and black thermal pants. Grabbing her beige winter jacket she heads out the front door. Walking towards the sleigh she notices Mr. Claus is wearing her favorite green sweater with the matching beige winter coat. He helps her get into the sleigh and off they go. 

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