Chapter 10

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"Zackary! Late again, and still fighting in the halls, I see. A little kindness goes a long way, kiddo!" Mr.Marlow says. I avoid talking about the bruise on my face as I take my seat. Mr.Marlow quickly moves on, continuing the lesson with that never-ending smile. I fucking hate that smile. I spend the rest of class on my phone and leave first when the bell rings.

When I get to the cafeteria, Mars and Cody are already sitting with food in front of them while the girls are in line with their trays. I sit down next to Mars as they pull off pieces of the mystery meat they brought, likely some rodent they caught last night and saved. They've always been a bit feral after all. Cody offers me a slice of the leftover pizza he brought.
"What is that?" Faith asks as she sits at the table with October by her side.
"Chipmunk, want some?" Mars offers and Faith makes a grossed out face. Chris shows up to lunch last, with Austin in tow, his brown hair covered by the beanie he always wears, no matter how hot it gets.
"Heyo, geeks and freaks, anyone want brownies? I'm selling at a discount today just for shits and giggles, hell I'll add an extra power up half off, why not?" Austin greets us with a sales pitch, his green eyes full of energy as always. Chris is already holding a container of brownies.
"Hey Double A, what's got you so excited?" I ask, using the nickname that's more common than his real name by now. Honestly though, a name like Austin Austin wasn't really common to begin with, what jerk gives their kid the same first and last name?
"He's been hanging around Hazel May that's what, seriously how does a rebel end up with the teachers pet?" Chris answers for him.
"Chris, You know what's in those brownies, right?" I ask, changing the subject.
"Of course I do, why would I want brownies I could make at home?" Chris asks incredulously.
"It's always good to check, we wouldn't want another middle-school incident now would we?" October retorts, referring to seventh grade when Chris had eaten some cookies Donny forgot to hide and accidentally drugged himself.
"That was one time, and years ago! I know not to down ten weed cookies at once by now!" He jumps to defend himself and Double A laughs at him.
"Oh yeah, Don told me about that. That's gotta suck as a first high dude." Austin says, still giggling. He's been friends with Donny for a long time, since he started dealing.
"Speaking of Don, he's looking forward to another visit, you free tonight?" Cody asks.
"Nah, Chris wasn't lying when he'd said I'm spending too much time with Hazel. We're catching a movie later, but give him these for me, on the house!" Austin explains, handing a container of brownies to Cody who shoves it in his bag.

Chris and I walk to English class together after lunch. We quiet with the rest of the class when the bell rings. Mr.Cortez starts his class with an announcement.
"I regret to inform you all that our fellow classmate Sunny McHugh has gone missing. The police don't suspect foul play. If you have any information about his disappearance or where he may be, anything at all, tell an adult or call the non emergency police line. Thank you." He recites it to the class with little emotion. This is the 4th time this semester Mr.Cortez has had to make that announcement. Seventh this year.
Sunny McHugh has been running away since middle school, and he's been on meds that his parents can't afford for even longer. Sunny made up monsters, always thought some new boogie man was out to get him, and whenever they tried to wean him off the pills to save cash, he'd run. The cops always find him eventually, and he gets back on his meds. Rinse and repeat. Nobody is really surprised by it anymore, not to mention being known as crazy doesn't get you many friends. I think of mentioning the tag I saw at the old school, but considering those tags are all around town, I don't it would help.

Mr.Cortez moves on with his lesson plan quickly, and the day continues as normal. Chris comes up with some lewd parody of poetry to try to make me laugh halfway through class, and I shove him while the teachers back is turned. When class ends, I go straight to the locker rooms to wait for gym instead of going to science class so I don't have to listen to Axel's lame insults. Mr.Ballard is surprised to see me early, but he's happy to have anyone to rant to about his marital problems. As soon as gym ends, I rush to the other side of the school to the library door to get out away from the crowds. October and Faith are already standing outside the door, making out, and Mars is hanging in a small decorative tree the school planted. When the rest of our friends arrive, we agree to head to KickBurger for a while before everyone goes home. Cody offers me a sleepover, and I gladly accept. His house probably feels more like home today anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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