Orchid's Day 1

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Ju Ran laughed as she saw Hui-Yeon approaching her vehicle, obviously running away from Eun Ho.

They had planned a girl's trip ahead of Ji Won's wedding three weeks away. Refusing the help of the boys, they had planned a drive to Busan to let down their hair and enjoy some local sights before getting the 5-star treatment from a hotel (honestly, left to Ji Hyuk and Eun Ho, they would be on a plane to France to "take in some air and enjoy the weekend". So wasteful).

"Unnie!" Hui-Yeon called out as she climbed into the back seat of the vehicle. Shaking the restaurant bag in her hand, she declared, "I raided Eun Ho ssi's kitchen and nabbed our favorite snacks and desserts!"

Ju Ran smiling, shook her head and drove off, catching sight of Eun Ho's figure in her rearview mirror.

"Unnie, where is Yeon Ji?" Hui-Yeon said, offering Ju Ran a cookie which she declined.

"With my parents. They said I deserve the time off and they will watch her. By the way, Ji Won said she will meet us at Busan. The company reached out to her for a positive response on the investment and she wanted to visit their facility before moving forward with it. Do you know about it?"

Hui-Yeon nodded like she was pounding rice. "Yes, Ji Won Unnie said so. I also pooled my money with her, it's a new make up company or something. I don't know, she's smarter about these things. I'll just do the promotional stuff among my friends when it's time." She said, sipping some banana milk.

Ju Ran smiled again and continued driving. She had also pooled some of her money from her divorce. Ji Won had earned some money from an investment a year ago and helped her invest some of her divorce money in the same line. The pay off was in two weeks and it was looking good already. Hui-Yeon was right that she was smart of about this stuff.

Well, the smart Ji Won was out making good business decisions and they were heading out enjoy some deserved vacation. It's a win win for everyone...


In the luxurious penthouse suite of the Park Hyatt Hotel in Busan, the ambiance was one of relaxation and indulgence. The room was elegantly decorated, with a panoramic view of the city skyline twinkling in the evening light.

Seated on plush couches, each with a can of beer and savoury fried chicken in hand, Jiwon, Hui-Yeon and Ju Ran lounged. Chatting about the variety show that was airing, their faces glowing with the afterglow of a day at the spa.

Ju Ran smiling, watched Hui-Yeon and Ji Won reenact a scene from the show and laughed.

As they sipped their beer, Ju Ran took a deep breath and announced, "I have something to tell you both." Her voice was tinged with a hint of nervousness.

Ji Won and Hui-Yeon exchanged curious glances, before turning their attention back to Ji Won. "Unnie, what is it?" Hui-Yeon asked, leaning forward eagerly.

"I... I kissed Lee Suk Joon ssi," Sarah confessed, a blush creeping onto her cheeks.

Hui-Yeon gasped, her eyes widening in surprise. "Heol! Unnie!"

Ji Won squealed in delight, clapping her hands together. "Unnie, tell us everything!"

Ju Ran, although shy, chuckled at their enthusiastic reactions. "It was just a moment, really. You know I took him out to a fancy restaurant for dinner to say 'thank you' for his support during my divorce. He walked me to my door after and... one thing led to another."

"Unnie, are you alright?" Hui-Yeon said, her eyes brimming with excitement and asking 50 questions per minute. "Are you happy? Are you nervous? What did he say? Oh if I could be a fly on the wall!"

Ju Ran nodded, her eyes shining with an unidentified emotion. "Exactly. I also don't know how to feel."

"Just take it one step at a time, Unnie. I think you will be fine" Hui-Yeon said, moving closer to hug Ju Ran. Ji Won reassuringly and moved to her other side to hug her too. Ju Ran returned their hugs, her heart full of gratitude for the unwavering support of her friends. In that moment, surrounded by love and laughter, she suddenly felt that everything was possible.

A/N: since I watched this drama, JoonRan and EunYeon couple have been on my mind. I decided to try something for JoonRan. I hope it goes well. Let me know what you want to see in their story in the comments. Till the next chapter, Live and Love 💕💕💕

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