Rockie's Day 4

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Suk Joon felt skittish as he loitered around the corridor. He was starting to get weird looks from the guests that came to use the restroom.

He had lost track of time while conversing with some guests and lost sight of Ju Ran. He figured since she came in this direction, she went to the restroom. Feeling embarrassed, he decided to stroll towards the main house.

Thank God he did. On heading towards the main house, he saw Hui-Yeon having a conversation with the housekeeper and approached them.

Frowning slightly, he said, "Agassi, do you happen to know where Ju Ran ssi is?"

Hui-Yeon turned at the sound of his voice, concern then relief on her face. "Thankfully, you are here, Mr. Lee. It's Ju Ran Unnie we are talking about. She's... Her 'That Day" came suddenly* and so she excused herself. She's doesn't need anything else but she's a bit uncomfortable and wants to go home. I was telling Ms. Choi to call a taxi."

(*A/N: Her periods)

Listening up to this point, Suk Joon nodded and asked to see her. It definitely explained why thirty minutes had passed since he saw her.

Fifteen minutes later, they were in Suk Joon's car, driving her home. Taking a glance at her, Suk Joon could tell she was tired and embarrassed. Rather than ask the fifty questions in his head, he turned on the radio and kept to himself. Anyway, there will be more than enough time for a conversation later.

One hour later, Ju Ran watched, embarrassed as Suk Joon took the thermometer away and went to get fever reducer from the first aid box. In the days since her recovery from cancer, the first two days of her periods were a whole event. They came suddenly and almost immediately followed up with sudden onset illness (stomach discomfort, fever and nausea).

"Can I help you up? You need to take this." Suk Joon said, coming in with a tray of items. Accepting his help, she sat up, took the pills, wore a sweater while he turned on the AC and settled her back in.

"Sleep. I'll leave when you sleep." Suk Joon said in his usual curt manner. Rolling up his sleeves, he grabbed the makeup pads and remover, lightly squeezed some products and wiped her face. She quietly accepted his attention, although he could tell from her now very visible blush that she was embarrassed.

"How are you so good at this?" She asked. Cleaning up the products and returning them to the dresser, he answered, "I have four sisters. You need these skills to live with four sisters."

Surprised, Ju Ran's eyebrows competed with her hairline. Four sisters? His being was so often warped in mystery that it was easy to forget that he was a person like anyone else.

He returned and sat down on the floor next to her side of the bed, finishing her glass of water. A surprisingly comfortable silence prevailed.

Maybe it was the fact that she had taken medication but Ju Ran was suddenly courageous.

"I have a presumptuous request." He looked over his usual frown in place. "Can you lie next to me?"

He paused, and in the next moment was next to her on the bed except he laid on top the sheets covering her.

"Let's play twenty random facts about each other" Ju Ran said after a beat, poking his shoulder. Muttering under his breath about how only she could pull such with him, which she giggled at, he replied, "Alright. You first."

Smiling, she nodded, "Alright. I'm my parent's only child."

He frowned, "I know that already. I'm my parents' only son".

"A boy and four girls?! Rough. My parents were high school sweethearts." She responded.

"Only child is also rough. I'm the middle child with two girls ahead and behind me." Suk Joon said.

"Well, that means I'm their favorite child. My English name is Vanilla. Vanilla Yang" Ju Ran replied, cheekily.

"True, you would have been my favorite too. My dad was a military officer who loved daughters but is strict with boys." Suk Joon said.

"Thank you, you would have been my favorite too. I love old movies and Grace Kelly's style of dressing."

"That is not obvious about you at all." He said deadpan and was smacked in the shoulder. "My English name is George."

"Hi George, I'm Vanilla. I'm allergic to most animals except cats."

"Hi Vanilla, I'm George. I'm currently living my dream." Suk Joon replied, catching her eyes although she hastily looked away.

"I... My ex-husband was my first but not my first kiss."

Suk Joon turned towards her, taking in her expression. She was nervous but she didn't look away or run away.

"I'm deeply attracted to you."

"I had cancer and may be infertile."

"I thought you looked amazing earlier."

"I'm two years older than you, I have a daughter and I'm divorced."

"I really want to kiss you. Can I?"

Her breath caught in her throat, and she covered her mouth. Their eyes met, and a silent understanding passed between them. Slowly, he leaned in, his lips hovering just inches from her hand. She removed her hand, her heart pounding in anticipation.

Their lips met in a gentle, tender kiss, sending a wave of warmth through them both. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in that perfect moment.

As they pulled away, a smile tugged at the corners of Suk Joon's lips. Brushing her hair aside, he kissed her forehead and caressed her nose.

"I adore you, Ju Ran Noona. Will you be my girl?"

She paused for a moment, but touched his face, nodding. With a gentle caress, she leaned in, and they shared another tender kiss.

Without a word, they settled back onto the pillows, and a comfortable silence reigned as he watched her drift off, and he eventually drifted off to sleep, content in each other's embrace.

A/N: *covers eyes* how bad is it? 👀
I don't write kiss scenes often but I thought they needed one. Comments encourage me so leave me some. Till the next chapter, Live and Love 💕💕💕

Bring Her Joy (A Marry My Husband Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora