Chapter 35: Hold My Hand

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I've been thinking a lot about what happened between me and Caldwell. Even the major difference in our date and the date Dominik took me on. Granted, Dominik's a little extra so it's hard to beat him at flashy dates but still. I wish Caldwell was nicer and maybe paid more attention to me. I know he's not a good guy. I saw that at the construction site. Part of me wishes he were. Is that so bad?

Anyways, I couldn't just keep those thoughts trapped in my head. So, I figured out a way to make things work without having to break up with him. Caldwell and I could start out as friends. Maybe he'll have more of an open mind and we'll learn more about each other in a healthier way rather than having screaming matches.

I take the bus that stops by Caldwell's neighborhood. It's getting darker and we're about to have a thunderstorm so I figured I could stay the night with him. I know that's not proper planning on my part but he doesn't live in a bad neighborhood and if I don't stay the night, the next bus comes an hour later.

I knock on his front door. A short brunette opens it, "May I help you?" She hisses. Her voice and face combined are very familiar. "Are you Caldwell's sister?" I question, starting to realize they have no physical similarities.

"Oh my gosh, you're Kat! Wow, this must be embarrassing," The girl snickers.

"I'm sorry?"

"I'd hate to be the one to tell you but... Caldwell's been planning on dumping you for a while."

There's no way that's true. He would have told me. Even if he didn't, HE was the one who begged me to stay with him.

"I... don't believe you."

"See for yourself," The girl looks through me at Caldwell who's exiting his truck with a bouquet of flowers.


"Are you kidding me?!" I snap. I don't even know why I'm yelling. It's not like I have anything to say.

"There's no way you didn't know," He shakes his head.

"I didn't! You told me you loved me!" I storm down his front porch steps.

"That's how you get the girl, right?" He speaks so calmly as if this doesn't affect him at all.

In a fit of rage, I smack the flowers out his hand. As they hit the ground I turn to the girl, "Enjoy your flowers!"

As I walk away, she yells, "CRAZY BITCH!" I finally remember where I know her from. She's one of the girls who get in a fight every few months. With all the shit on her record, I'm surprised she's not expelled. At least they're perfect for each other.

I walk a few blocks when the rain starts pouring. Of course, I haven't even made it to the right bus stop to shelter myself. Now my clothes are all mucky and guaranteed to catch a cold.

I reach the little bus stop box and sit inside. It finally hits me how insane this all is. I started dating the guy because he was sweet and persistent. Then he treats me like shit. I pull myself away from him only to be persuaded back into the relationship. And just when I think we're at a mature place in our relationship, he cheats on me! Why? What did I do to deserve this? I thought he really liked me.

With my head in my hands, sobbing more tears than I could bear, I hear a car pull up to the bus stop. I know it's a car because the bus would be so much louder. I'm afraid to look up, thinking someone's about to kidnap me, when I hear,


I look up and Dominik's face morphs into worry. He kneels down in front of me, "What did he do?"

Paranoid. Insomniac.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora