002. He's in the chat!

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Y/n POV.

Y/ns thoughts

I was sitting on the couch with my head phones listening to I want your feelings by Jake Webber, and I really liked the music genre that Jake does. I honestly wanna make my own music one day to be honest. I feel a buzz in my pocket so I go to reach into my pocket and pull out my phone. My friend Jazzy was calling me so I hit the answer button .

Jazzy:Y/n you won't guess what just happened!

You:what happened?

Jazzy:I just got my first music gig!

You: oh my god I'm so happy for you jazzy!

Jazzy: good because I wanted you to sing my song with me.

You:wait what? I can't sing?

Jazzy: yes you can! Honestly your better then me if I'm being honest.

You: do you really want me to go on with you? I mean I'll think about it but I don't know jazzy what if they hate me?

Jazzy: they won't hate you y/n. Trust me. Pleaseee it will make me happy. Plus maybe you can find a man!

You:jazzy! I'm 25 I don't need a man.

Jazzy: well a man needs you, I have to go but please think about it please please please.

You:I will, luv ya bye.

Jazzy:love ya too byeee.

*call ended*

Y/n's thoughts

I don't know if I should, I mean what her fans don't like me! It could be good for me though so I can get used to singing in front of people if I wanna start my own music. I guess I'll go..

It's not like I wasn't popular on social media though, I had a medium sized following. I had more then half a million on most social media platforms. On TikTok's I'd post lip syncing videos or relatable videos. On instagram I'd post my daily life or just photos of me. I had a snap chat I just didn't use it often. I used to stream on twitch awhile back about a year ago but I kinda just disappeared from it. I wanted to get back into it a while ago I just never had the time to start it back up again. 

I walk over to my room and sit at my desk. I open my laptop and sign into my twitch account. I was thinking about if I should stream again. After a few seconds of thinking I decided to click stream. I did it. I was on live for the world to see after a year. More then my followers have joined, the comments filled up with questions about where I've been and why I haven't streamed in over a year. "Hey guys I know many of you have questions about where I have been and why I haven't streamed in literally forever. The truth is I just stopped streaming for no reason I just forgot one day and never did it again" I say lying

"Anyways let's react to some stuff!" I say as I let the comments fill with recommendations

"Some of you are telling me to react to Jake and Johnnie turn FaZe rug emo?" I say to the chat. "Alright I guess we are doing that." I start screen sharing my laptop and click on the video I found on YouTube. "Alright guys I'm starting the video" I say as unpause the video.

I giggle and laugh at the joke Jake and Johnnie make. I admire Jake's handsomeness and his smile. His smile always gets me . I make some jokes and giggle throughout the video, I would glance over at the chat once in a while. But this one particular time I glanced over I saw someone say "Jake's in the chat!" And then the comments are filling up with how Jake Webber was in my chat watching me react to a video with him in it. That's when I see his comment "haven't seen you stream in a while y/n how's it going?" Jake used to watch my streams?! "Oh thanks for watching Jake I'm doing goood how about yourself" I say looking at the chat trying to hide my excitement.

 I wait looking in the chat to see if he would reply but he didn't so I just went back to the video and finished the stream. "Okay guys that's the end of the video I should be streaming regularly starting now byeee" I say ending the stream. I still couldn't shake off the fact that Jake Webber was in my stream. I see a notification in my inbox on instagram on my phone. I go to open it and I see it's Jake

Jake Webber: hey y/n I know this is really random but I was watching your stream and I used to watch them back in 2019 to 2022 but you completely just disappeared and I always wondered where you went. I still followed you on twitch and I saw you where streaming so I joined it. How are you?

You: Oh hi Jake! Thanks for checking in on me, sorry I'm kind of awkward I just never expected you of all people to dm me lol. I'm doing great now actually I went on a rough path back then but I got my life together and wanted to stream again! How are you?


Jake Webber: oh I'm doing amazing actually I'm living with my roommate Johnnie Guilbert as you might know if you watched us on YouTube. My friend jazzy has sent me videos of you singing saying your gonna go on the stage with her to sing is that true?

You:oh wow did she say that!? Yea I guess it is my voice isn't really that good seriously yours is much better than mine!

Jake Webber: no seriously your voice is like an angel! Maybe we could do a duet in the future!

You: I'm if your down I'm down lol!

Jake: it's a date! Just joking but I've been wanting to ask you if you wanted to come with me to an influencers only party, since your going to be on stage with jazzy I'm sure she would take you to the party anyway but it's tomorrow night at 8:00pm the address is 271 pomphersts dr (random address) if you want to go.

You: I mean I'll think about it I'd need a ride cause to be honest with you my crazy ass ex smashed it with a bat.

Jake Webber: oh no problem I can give you a ride if your going just send me your address if your going.

You: you know what I will go my address is 1965 crystalist rd

Jake Webber: great I'll see you tomorrow then.

Jake Webber: I don't mean to be a stalker or anything either but you have like really pretty eyes, I was looking at your instagram photos and your eyes really bring out the photos.

You: awe your so sweet Jake thank you but I really have to go to bed now. Thank you for the invite!

Jake Webber: of course see ya.

You: byeee.

Oh my god, I can't believe Jake fucking Webber invited me to the influencers only party! And he said I have pretty eyes!!! I don't wanna fan girl over him or anything at the party though I'm just gonna be chill about it but grateful that I got the invite. I calm my self down and I get ready for bed. I change into a baggy t shirt with some black shorts. I wash my face after I showered and I get into bed. I then plug the charger into my phone and set it on my night stand. I pull the covers over me and lay my head on my pillow, I shut my eyes and drift off to sleep



I want your feelings. Jake Webber X readerWhere stories live. Discover now