You're Comin' With Me

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Sorry about all these original characters like Daehyuk and Seojun and Eunji, but I just needed them to make the plot move along. We'll get more back to the members in the next chapter. I just really liked Seojun and didn't realize how much of a plot point I'd make him... but now I'm mad at myself for killing him. Help *distant sobbing*

Anyways, enjoy!


Chan was woken up by the soft knock on the bedroom door - even though it was open so anyone could walk in. He lifted his head and peered over Minho to the doorway where the hall light illuminated Han's figure. 

"I brought some food..." He whispered, standing right outside the bedroom like there was a physical barrier keeping him from entering. 

"Oh, Hannie, thanks, but I don't think he can stomach anything right now." Chan answered just as quietly, peering down at the sleeping boy in his arms. Though it was a fitful sleep, a constant stream of moans of discomfort were pulled from the dancer and Chan knew without a doubt that the pain meds from the hospital were wearing off. 

"It's not for Minho hyung..." 

"Oh." Chan smiled, his heart swelling with the affection. Rarely did the members ever take care of him in that way. He never showed that he needed it so there was no hint that they should - though he knew they would. But Han standing in the doorway, nurturing him in a way no one ever really did without being asked made him feel like he could cry tears of joy.  

"Can I come in?" Han asked, looking anywhere in the room but at the two oldest members. 

"Yeah, of course." Chan worked slowly to pull his arm out from under Minho's neck. After a moan of disapproval from the dancer, he freed himself, and Minho slept on. The leader sat up just as Han reached the side of the bed and held out a plate of toast with peanut butter and hazelnut butter. The crusts of the breads were blackened though, and Han's hands shook as he offered the plate to Chan. 

"I'm sorry. They got a little burned. Sorry." 

"No, Ji, it's okay. I like it a little crunchier anyways. Thank you." It was a lie of course - who does like burnt toast? But Chan wouldn't care if the bread was turned to a pile of ashes on the plate, the fact that Han tried was enough to make him feel full. It truly was the thought that counted. 

The younger stood awkwardly by the bed, picking at his fingernails anxiously. "How is he doing?" He blurted, glancing momentarily down at Minho. 

"He's not doing the best." Chan admitted around a bite of toast. "He threw up a little while ago but fell asleep immediately afterwards. I think his pain meds are wearing off though. He's been pretty restless and uncomfortable."

"Are we supposed to have more meds for him?" Han asked, peering down into Minho's face. His expression was relaxed to some extent - clearly asleep. But there was a wrinkle in his forehead and a slight downward tilt in his lips - proof of his discomfort. 

"Yeah. We're supposed to pick them up at the pharmacy, but I haven't gotten the text that they're in yet." 

"Oh. Do you think he'll be okay without them?" 

"Yeah." I hope so. Chan set the plate on his lap with a half-eaten piece of toast on it and carded his hand through Minho's fluffy brown hair. "He's really struggling with remembering things. He can't remember the crash at all. And I hate to say it, but I hope he doesn't remember."

"What about Seojun?" Han asked. 

Chan's face went white. "What about him?" 

"Well," Han shrugged. "He said something about being with Seojun. Is that true or is he just completely forgetting everything?" 

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