02. crushes and engagements

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˗ˏˋ three years ago ˎˊ˗

Zuko hated the color white. He hated the color white on flowers and hated the color white on decorations, but he especially hated the color white on Eiyika. The lifeless color only made him realize that she was to wed soon.

With her father on a mission halfway across the globe, her mother had instructed her to find a husband, someone to take care of the household while her father was away. Of course, she had to help her family, but Zuko wondered if she enjoyed meeting with noble families every weekend. She seemed rather happy with her potential partners. Her smiles had become a little wider, and her eyes were softer. It scared Zuko. If she was to grow and evolve, where would that leave him?

His fear of change hit him hard when Eiyika began to bring a certain boy to the palace. The dainty wedding band on her finger was punishment enough, but to meet her fiance in the flesh was torture sent from the depths of the hell below.

His only relief, funnily enough, had been when his demented sister found out about the matter. Azula had been upset, yelling quite loudly at Eiyika's fiance, claiming he was nothing but a useless boy whose only purpose should be to serve his superiors. But eventually, even Azula simmered down once she realized the boy was a competent bender.

He wasn't that good. Zuko huffed and closed his eyes, but all he could see was the shadow of Eiyika.

White clothing showcased Eiyika's purity and innocence. The silk running down the expanse of her arms accentuated her damaged skin. The ridges were identifiable underneath the thin layers. Maybe that's why he hated the color white. While others were left to fight their battles in peace, the thin layers made it impossible for Eiyika to keep her scars to herself. She was bound in that way. If she were to leave, she would remember when she lost her freedom to the princess of the Fire Nation.

She didn't seem upset with Azula even though she had severely injured her, and at times, she even seemed to forget the burn was there. She had long-left long-sleeve shirts out of her wardrobe, though it was hard to tell if it was because they hurt to wear or if she didn't mind the deformed skin.

But alas, Zuko had other problems to worry about. While Eiyika was out meeting with her fiancé, he was left to spend time with his uncle. His afternoons were void of any glimpse of the girl, leaving his motivation to participate in any lesson at an all-time low. He often wondered if he should pause his schooling to focus on finding a fiance as well. Since Zuko had turned thirteen, the Fire Lord had declared him an eligible bachelor. He never specified if that meant engagement or spending time with the royal concubines, but Zuko presumed he would allow him to go both ways.

"Prince Zuko, there is no honor in avoiding your studies,"

Uncle Iroh was one of the few people in Zuko's life he had grown to trust; his father was much too distant and Azula had one too many loose screws. Though, at times, Zuko couldn't be bothered to listen to the nonsense that came out of his mouth.

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