04. airbenders and tears

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˗ˏˋ a couple of months ago ˎˊ˗

There was honor in being a widow. A silent acknowledgment that there used to be another piece of you, another half who used to walk by your side. However, there was no honor in being the banished prince's widow. The usual looks of pity were replaced with judgemental stares, reminding Eiyika that she could not change her fate for as long as she lived behind these walls.

Widows of the fire nation did not remarry. There was an old tale that said to meet your beloved in death you must keep an untainted soul, free of another man's touch. Eiyika was only thirteen years old when she became a widow, and even though she was not married when her fiance was banished, she knew it would be unfaithful to seek the company of another man.

So for three years, she spent her time watching. It was as much as she could do from her place at Azula's side. Mai and Ty Lee were long gone, Ty Lee at some kind of circus, and Mai was with her family at a stolen Earth Kingdom city. While they were out living their lives, Eiyika was to stay put in case of a miracle that brought her husband back to her. The Fire Lord didn't speak highly of Zuko's banishment, but something told Eiyika the nation was banking on the avatar's return. After all, the prince's return would secure the Fire Nations rule for years to come.

Azula's hunger for the throne was also something that began to grow in Eiyika's time at her side. Times spent practicing flips and aim were long over for Eiyika as she was forced to watch the girl go into a minor state of psychosis. Her longing for status was a desire that would not be relieved, at least not at this time. Women were forbidden to take the throne.

All of Azula's longing morphed into anger. Anger she only relieved through combat. Combat that Eiyika was lucky enough to be her opponent. Don't get her wrong, she left training sessions with numerous blue and purple bruises all over her skin and freshly cut incisions Azula's weapons left in their wake, but there was a sense of accomplishment there. While Azula was bettering her skills, Eiyika was studying her every move. Her reactions to different fighting tactics and moves she failed to execute perfectly. It was all there. Azula may have physically had the upper hand, but Eiyika was taking notes on all her weaknesses.

Through it all, there was one thing that Eiyika stayed true to. Maybe that was why Azula kept beating her because she knew of the techniques her father had engraved in her mind since the day she was born.

"Eiyika, you must be stealthy if you want to keep the element of surprise." Eekasu smiled at Eiyika. It was her seventh attempt at sneaking up behind him, yet he didn't seem angry at her failure. His eyes were filled with love and adoration. Eiyika always thought her father treasured her because there were complications with her birth.

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