Ire and Fire

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Back in her rooms, Rhaenyra rifled through her belongings with a thick lump in her throat, collecting items to take with her to Dragonstone. A bracelet from her father, her mother's necklace, she had also decided to take the unhatched egg she had chosen for her brother that had barely lived.

"I didn't expect to see you here today," Alicent's voice startled the princess, though she didn't show it. She slowly turned to face her childhood friend.

"Until two days ago, I hadn't truly expected to be here," the princess admitted tightly. More silence. It was unbearable. "What's happened between us, Alicent?"

"You lied to me, Rhaenyra," the answer came quickly; faster than expected, "more than once. I took your side and swore your innocence to the king; my father lost his position because of it, and it was all based on a lie."

"I never lied to you. I told you, nothing happened at the brothel, Daemon never touched me until—"

"How am I supposed to believe that?" Alicent snapped, "How am I supposed to believe anything that comes out of your mouth? I suppose you're going to tell me you never let Ser Criston lie with you, either?" Rhaenyra was stunned to silence. "Yes, princess, your knight at least has conscious enough to have confessed to your transgressions; I'm sure you have many more that he hasn't. I'm done with your lies, Rhaenyra."

"Fine, let us have some truth, then." Rhaenyra retorted ignoring the pain in her heart, "Your father planned for you to console the king after we lost my mother. Your father's ambition pushed you into the kings arms, and the moment you agreed to be his wife, you stopped being my friend." Alicent blinked repeatedly, her eyes suddenly shining with unshed tears.

"That's not true..." Alicent replied in a tight whisper.

"Isn't it?" Rhaenyra demanded hotly, "Being queen is clearly far more important than being my companion," she paused and swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat and took a deep breath. "Well, all for the best, I suppose," she finally sighed.

"I want you to leave," the queen said, inhaling deeply, downing her emotions, her expression growing cold.

"As you command, your grace." Rhaenyra grimaced with a small bow of her head. The princess didn't need to be asked twice, she was nearly done packing; she hadn't planned to stay. King's Landing no longer felt comfortable. Not when her Rogue Prince was waiting for her, calling her home to Dragonstone...


It was late, nearing the hour of the owl, as Rhaenyra and Syrax flew low over the water. The princess' back ached and she longed for her bed, but her yellow dragon traveled slowly in the dark. After what seemed like an eternity, they landed on Dragonstone; one of their many dragonkeepers offering to take over care of the great beast, which Rhaenyra was grateful for. The long path back to the castle only served to further her fatigue as the wind battered her exhausted form. The halls were almost silent during her trek through the castle, winding a nervous feeling through her gut as her footsteps echoed around her.

The fire in the bedroom cracked softly as she crept inside and pushed the door closed behind her. Her heart was fluttering, as though she was a disobedient child about to be caught out of bed by her mother. Much to her surprise, though, the bed was empty. She dropped her satchel on the floor and leaned back on the bed, attempting to kick off her boots.

"Three days," Daemon's graveled voice cut through the room, startling her, and Rhaenyra dropped her second boot to the floor with a loud thump. He was seated in a chair at the corner of the room, fully dressed; a goblet in his hand. His violet eyes bore into her, piercing into her soul like burning steel. "Three fucking days without a single word from you?" He stood then, and crossed the room, his darkened eyes continually fixed on her, like a predator stalking a helpless animal. "Where have you been, little dragon?" She could smell the wine on him and wrinkled her nose, giving him a soft push away from her.

"You're drunk, uncle." It was a statement, not a question, but he replied anyway.

"Yes, I'm drunk. Fighting and drinking and fucking. My three strong suits. How many of them do you think I accomplished while you were gone, dear wife?" Daemon sneered. She recoiled with a grimace, shaking her head at him. Cruelty was often his favorite weapon when he felt scorned, but the princess had rarely been the subject of his ire before. Refusing to be baited into his drunken antics, Rhaenyra scoffed and turned to leave. The prince reached her first, catching her by the waist and wrapping his other arm around the front of her shoulders.

"Wait... Don't go, sweet little niece," he coaxed, pressing his face into her hair. "I've missed you." He inhaled deeply through his nose, her scent igniting the inferno inside him. "Stay with me..." His mouth found the side of her neck where he latched onto her creamy skin, marking her as his own.

"Kesan umbagon, gaomagon daor ivestragon ra naejot ōdrikagon nyke," she replied stiffly. I will stay, but don't say things to hurt me.

"Zaldrīzes, ñuha dōna zaldrītsos," Dragon, my sweet little dragon. Daemon murmured in her ear before finding another bare spot of flesh to mark, crimson blood against the white of fresh snow. Believing he would antagonize her no longer, she spun about, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist.

"Skorkydoso eman jeldan ao." How I've missed you. Rhaenyra breathed out, resting her forehead against his chest. He lifted her chin and then Daemon's lips were on hers, filled with sweetness and longing; tasting of honeyed wine.

"You're mine, princess," he whispered, cupping her face with both hands, "You belong with me; two sides of the same glittering coin."

"I've always been yours," she responded softly, "since I was a little girl... I just didn't know it then. I spent so much of my life waiting for you, praying you would return swiftly from every adventure, aching for your presence."

"Aōha prūmia vāedagon syt nyke, hae ñuhon vāedagon syt ao." Your heart sings for me, as mine sings for you. The alcohol surely must have gone to his head.  Rarely was Daemon so kind; so genuine, and his sweet words made her chest ache. Rhaenyra removed his shirt, running her hands over his bare chest; exploring every ripple and scar, evidence of his many battles. She kissed each one delicately, relishing the way his breath hitched under her every touch.

Slowly, tenderly, she pushed him back onto the bed, removing the remainder of his clothing, and then her own. Daemon tucked her safely beneath him, his rough hands exploring inch by silky inch of her delicate skin. The prince's touch lingered on her steel necklace and he pressed his lips to her clavicle. Rhaenyra was already dripping with desire; such was Daemon's effect on her. She moaned softly when his hand finally found her center, slippery with need.

"Such a good girl, always so ready for me," he whispered against her lips. He entered her slowly, languidly, never breaking their intimate kiss. I don't think I'll ever tire of this... Rhaenyra thought to herself as she ran her fingers through her husband's hair, gripping him tightly as he began to move, in and out at an aching pace. The princess shifted in time with Daemon, matching his thrusts with her hips, enjoying the now-familiar sensation building inside her.

"Ñuha dāria." Daemon breathed against her temple. My queen.

"Ñuha jorrāelagon ." Rhaenyra countered breathlessly, pressing her lips to his neck. My love.

The fire in the hearth slowly diminished and still the pair remained intertwined, every languid thrust pushing them incrementally toward their climax. Suddenly, an unexpected thought struck the princess. Daemon had fucked her, many times, but never like this. This was something else; something more. So, this is what making love is really like... The realization washed over her and suddenly she was on edge.

"I'm going to come!" Rhaenyra breathed out, raking her nails across the prince's back. He groaned and increased his speed, spurred on by her admission.

"Come, my sweet, come for me," he begged, pressing his open lips to hers. She let out a long whine and then came, her body convulsing as she did so, pulsing around Daemon's cock. A handful of strokes later, the prince followed with his own climax, collapsing on the bed beside her.

After catching her breath, Rhaenyra rose from the bed and poured herself a cup of water, listening to the embers in the fireplace crackle. Daemon was asleep by the time she returned, snoring softly. She rolled her eyes and shook her head with a smile, pulling the furs up over them both and drifting off into a contented slumber...

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