Chapter 3: Exploration

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Leo's pov

Me and my brothers are on Patrol. It seems like they are happier when we go out, than being cooped up in the Lair all the time. I am happier too. I love the cool night air blowing on my skin and face, flowing through my bandana on my face. There was a howl that felt like it had traveled with the wind. "W-what was that?" Mikey had asked sounding scared.

"I don't know. There aren't any wild animals here. Could be another mutant?" Donnie said being his smart self.

"Let's check it out." I said. I was oddly curious about what could have made that howl.

"Oh yeah sure! Go towards the possible mutant that could possibly kill us!" Raphael said sarcastically.

"I hate to agree with Raphael, but I think he's right Leo." Donnie said.

"Thanks?" Raphael said.

"Me too. I'm sorry Leo." Mikey said. I shook my head. "No. I get it if you all don't want to check it out you can wait here and I'll go." I said. I completely understand why they wouldn't check it out. It could be dangerous for all they know.

"By Yourself?" Mikey asked gulping. I could tell he was scared and didn't want me to go alone. "I-I'll go with you then." Mikey said. Which surprised me.

"Really? Your such a scardey cat!" Raphael asked laughing at Mikey. Mikey's cheeks puffed up angry. "Awe such a cutie!" Raphael made fun of Mikey.

"I'm still going! No one can stop me!" He yelled. I put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm glad that your coming with me." I said smiling at him. Mikey calmed down and smiled back at me.

"Thanks Leo." Mikey said. Raphael crossed his arms huffing. Mikey and I left towards where the sound came from.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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