Chapter 5

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The food here isn't bad, Archie/Edmund, (I need to get used to the fact his name is Edmund now) bought me food in the guild, that was weird my little brother buying me food, it was always me buying him food before, we had chicken, a whole chicken they have some food similar to what I am used to and fuck ton that I have no idea about. I think Seb might not like me, I have a place for you to stay, he didn't tell me that said the place was a fucking barn, not a bedroom with a bed but I barn with hay the same place a horse sleeps! Rows of this barn and I'm next to some heavy set fella that snores so god damn loud. I couldn't hide the disappointment on my face when Seb showed me the red barns that were at the back of the guild. Inside was empty apart from a stack of hay which was my bed for the night, it was surprisingly comfy but I might have been more tired than I imagined, sitting there looking around the barn, wooden walls and wooden beams around, cold hard floor the moment I finally laid down on the hay I fell asleep.

When I woke up in the moment, I went for a piss in the communal toilets inside the guild thank god can go in and out for that.

Cassandra one of the ladies who works for the guild, has brown hair, large brown eyes, and a button chin, she would have been popular in my old world, she made me a nice breakfast, eggs and some meat I have never seen before but it tastes like turkey so I'm good.

"I hear you're going on a quest today," she said, her voice so soft and warm. "Are you nervous?" She stood there swaying from side to side, wafting her ankle-length blue dress.

"I am a little, I don't know what to expect"

"Well that all depends on the quest you are doing, do you know what you are doing?"

"Looking for a flower" a timid voice came from behind me, I turned around and saw a heavyset fella in baggy clothes, his pants had small holes in them, and he had a terrified look on his face, and dirt too.
"Sorry to interrupt, really sorry I am, sorry, but I am your partner today, and we are going into a dungeon looking for glowroot flowers, yeah sorry"

"Don't say sorry mate?" I said, I stood up and wiped my hands on my pants. And walked over to him, he was shorter than I was, and his long brown hair was pushed back, helped with dirt by the look of it. I couldn't see his face properly. I reached my hand out for a shake and he flinched and looked scared. "Are you okay mate? I am Ronnie. It is nice to meet you, I don't know much but I will work hard and do my best to learn"

"Hi... I'm Timothy" he reached his hand out slowly, and I shook it and felt him, shaking like a shitting dog. "We can go whenever you are ready"

"Let's go," I said happily "let's smash it!"

"Ronnie a word" Seb shouted from behind the bar, I didn't know he was there.

"Two seconds mate" I said to Timothy.
"Morning Seb"

"Morning Ronnie, how did you sleep?" Seb had a dressing gown on, I guess it is his guild he can do what he wants.

"Surprisingly well"

"That's good, all newbies stay in them and eventually work hard and make enough to move out and some people just end up staying there" he looked past me to Timothy.

"Is he okay?"

"No, he gets bullied by some of the other members, they claim he doesn't pull his weight and refuse to pay him, obviously step in and make sure he is paid what he is owed but now people will only him as little as possible for him to be in their party, it's sad, Edmund told me you are a kind person, so that's why I asked him to go with you"

"I understand"

"He is good and smart listen to him, he isn't much in a fight so I have something for you" Seb reached into his pocket and pulled out two green crystals, "you can't swing a sword but if you use these, you can win any fight"

"Thank you" I guess he does like me, I put the green crystals, one in each pocket.

"Timmy, are you ready lad? Let's go this"

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