chapter 17

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One week has passed since the kids came to love in the barns and a few things have changed. I now have more flowers in my house than ever before. Clare likes to find and bring them home as a gift for me, now they are everywhere. Clare has become a little bossy pants, she is not afraid to tell us what to do. She loves the clothes that Tim bought her and the girls at the guild have helped her with accessories. Now she has been bathed and cleaned up her looks have come out, she is a pretty little thing with brown eyes dark eyes and a bum chin that no one is allowed to mention.

Alfie likes to cook and has become Tim's little helper in the kitchen, and when he is at the guild that is all he wants to do. Some of the guild members have almost choked to death when trying to swallow his stone like bread but he is getting better and has put on weight, his hair is lighter than the others, and he has a smaller frame too, Jonathan is husky, big-boned, Alfie is the opposite, he gets very nervous around people who he doesn't know. But he is so nice and only wants everyone to be happy, smile and eat.

Now Jonathan has asked everyone in the guild to train him, he has picked up a sword, a spear, a shield, and a bow and some have tried to teach him magic. It's safe to say he is better with a weapon, he has no control over magic. He has been training with a sword, I offered to teach him how to fight like me but apparently, it's not a cool look and swords are well cooler, Jonathan has gained a little muscle from all the training, and he has a round face and features of a kid that should be heavier.

"I'm going to the dungeon," I said after finishing my food at the dining room table, "are you coming today?" I asked Tim.

"I can't, the guild master wants to speak to me"

"Oh, done something wrong?"

"I hope not" Tim's head dropped.

"I'm sure you will be fine, I'm going now, this 3 head wolf won't kill itself"

"Wait aren't they on floor 10?" Tim looked shocked.

"This one was seen on the 13th, don't worry I have been going to the 15th by myself recently, since you have been helping with the kids and the guild".

"But, but"

"Cya Tim" I left the room and gave Clare a high five as I walked past.

"Bye Ronnie, good luck, don't get hurt" she called out.

"Thanks, sweetie, I'll be fine, see you soon".

This goblin can fuck off, and so can this one too. I kicked one goblin and then punched another and both exploded into smoke. The armour I got for my legs has a whole for crystals which I have stuff in there so now I can kick hard and run faster. Sebastian the guild master said I won't need the crystals soon, we have worked on training my magic in the guild after my dungeon adventures. On the 6th floor, I came across skeletons with weapons, they are more fun to fight, it's not just jumping at you, they swing like they somewhat know what they are doing. They drop grey crystals when they die. Sophia a dark-haired waitress at the guild, put a spell on my crystal poach so I can store hundreds, it's helped me make more money so I always give her a cut when I'm at the guild, she hates it because.

"That's not why I did it," she said, she has a country accent, kind of southern American.

Floor 9 I came across a young boy, with ash coloured hair, stick thin. And battered grey armour that is too big for him, he must be no older than 18 painting on the floor, before reaching for two grey crystals.

I smiled at him and raised my eyebrows,

"You okay" I asked.

"Yes, I am good thank you," he said. His voice wasn't what I expected he sounded formal and posh.

"Oh okay, have fun" I turned to leave and looked for the stairs to the next floor.

"Excuse me, what floor are you going to?"

"The 13th, why?"

"I'm going to the 11th, I have a Gould quest to beat a two-headed wolf, and I was going to ask if it was okay with you would you mind if I accompanied you?" He looked embarrassed to ask that. His head started down at the floor. His hands are shaking and his legs are too. He must be shattered.

"Of course, let's go if you are ready" his head came up and met my eyes, and then he nodded his head.

"My name is Ronnie, and yours?"

"Pleasure to meet you, my name is Louie St. Negri"

"What guild are you with?"

"The Notting, yourself?"


"I was going to go there, but a friend recommended the Notting"

"I like Hillcrest, good people, good food, and decent quests".

Turns out Louie can use a sword, he has his father who was passed down on a sheath on his hip. We made it through floor ten very quickly, those skeletons didn't stand a chance, even though he didn't say Louie wanted the crystal that dropped, he was so fast to pick them up before offering me half.

"I'm good mate, keep them".

"Thank you" he smiled widely, and he looked like it hurt, almost like he hadn't smiled in a while.

We found the two-headed wolf a few minutes after we got onto the 11th floor I picked it up by the back of its legs after it jumped off Louie and slammed it against the wall.

"That's your quest done mate"

"I shall accompany you to the 13th... Is that okay"

"Up to you mate" I gave him a pat on the shoulder and he ran to pick up the crystal that dropped, the crystals of special monsters are always different, and this was shaped like a golden brick.

Louie picked all the crystals up for the rest of floor 11 and all of floor 12, we were on floor 13 before we were set soon by a pack of wolves and their lead the 3 headed wolf.

"Okay back up against a wall we can't let them get around us," I said, "wait until they make the first move, once they attack, we can counter quickly"

"Yea sir" That was the first time anyone had called me sir, I ready my arm and pulled the magic into my fist and Louie ready his weapon.

In an instant, the wolves attacked two leaping at us, one on each side. I hammer-fisted my own into the ground, and Louie slashed the head open creating two equal sides. Then two jumped at Louie, but I intercepted grabbing the mouths of both and then Louie slashed them when their bodybodiesloded the three-headed wolf dived through the smoke and caught my arm.

"Ronnie sir, are you okay?! Hold on!" Three wolf heads pressed harder, unfortunately, they bit the arm with the gauntlet I got from Marty and Vivienne and this gauntlet is super fucking sturdy. I grabbed the three necks and threw my air taking the wolf with me and then suddenly and forcefully back down the wolf let out a yelp and bang I punched a whole through the chest and the three-headed wolf was no more, leaving behind a star-shaped, obsidian coloured crystal.

"Are you okay?" Louie asked his tone was a worried one.

"I'm fine, nothing to worry about, I showed him my arm and he calmed down and we left the guild collecting more crystals as we went.

"Thank you for allowing me to accompany you," Louie said as we got outside and the wind blew his ashy hair about, he looked paler in the light, his features sunken but he looked like he came from money, and his grey looked like they were in pain a little.

"Anytime mate, if you see me in the dungeon don't hesitate to call out and come by the Hillcrest guild sometime, I'll show you around I think you'll like it"

"I will and thank you again" Louie shook my hand and left. I headed for the guild.

"Ronnie! I have been waiting for you" the guild master yelled in my face the second I walked into the guild.

"Okay, I am here what's up?"

"A request has come in, a special request and you would be ideal for it, before I tell you about it, you have to know this is a massive request, life-changing if you perform well, and you can not tell anyone about the details of it until it's complete, do you want to do it?"

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