4. Adagio

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     Their coach got bottled up in another long line of traffic just after exiting the main motorway. The driver got out an update on his phone then announced the change in their route.

"Seems there some sort of security situation up ahead. We can turn back or try to work our way around on the back roads. I'd rather get you to where you are going but its your call."

"My call is to call Vince to see if he knows what's going on," one of the more senior members of the crew waved a phone in the air. Their conversation was interrupted by low flying helicopters but with some back and forth between Vince and the driver, the coach trundled on. After a few meandering miles, a short village pitstop and creeping along progressively narrower lanes, the coach halted on a grassy verge at the top of a steep hill.

"This is a far as she goes, folks," the driver pointed toward the stone bridge ahead. "Just follow the path to the right on the other side of the stream. You'll see your digs from there."

There was some grumbling from the back of the bus but Kate was grateful for the chance to stretch her legs. She was also glad for only having a duffle and her laptop to contend with as she watched the wheelie bags digging into the dust-laden trail.

The air was nearly as stifling as in the city. Here algae's persistent musk wafted off the nearly dry stream-bed. Midges cowered in shady corners waiting for a passing meal, swarming Bethany when she edged into the longer grass. She yelped, frantically swatting around herself with little effect.

"I hope you brought your antihistamines," Kate remarked at her friend's futile effort to ward off the annoying little flies.

"Of course, but I'm not promising to share." Bethany said while she continued to swipe at the air.

"They better have good mosquito netting for us," Kate point to where Vince stood in front of a row of re-purposed army tents. A couple of the other girls looked ready to panic. She looked over at Bethany who just shrugged.

"I didn't realize Vince was being quiet so literal when he told us coming here would be just like summer camp," one of the boys remarked. His comment met a chorus of groans and cat calls.

"Settle down," Vince's voice drowned out the grumbling. "The production's head of security will be here in a few minutes to brief you all but since the filming schedule got leaked online there will be changes to our rehearsals with the cast. Some enthusiastic fans tried crashing the gates earlier." Vince looked past their heads and waved over a man with a military style haircut.

"Right. Sorry for your detour but I'm glad to see you are all here safe and sound." The man nodded briskly. "The rumor mill will be flying so you might as well hear it from me first. In addition to the bus loads of crazy fans we managed to pack off out of here, there have been threats directed to some of the regular cast members. You must keep your identification badges with you at all times and try to keep to a buddy system, especially when you are off-site. We will let Vince know if there is another bomb threat."

"Bomb threat?" one of the younger girls squeaked.

"Nothing creditable. Really just a nuisance since it ties up everything until we get an all-clear," the security chief said before nodding to Vince and walking away.

"I won't hold you to your contract if you don't feel comfortable staying." The dance master informed his troupe. He waited for a minute before continuing. "With the scheduling changes our accommodations got bumped. We secured a small block of rooms at an inn an hour or so up the road. We will work out a rotation but you'll probably be grateful for the extra sleep camping here can provide. For now, just drop your things and make your way over to wardrobe and make-up in the wing on the northside of the lawn. We will meet back here to discuss schedules once they have your costumes sorted. If you aren't sure where you should be, look for anyone wearing an orange cap. They will have the updated master schedule."

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