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"Jimin-ah," Taehyung called as he came out of the changing room.

"I know, I know, you go with him. I'll make sure everything is okay, pick up the cake, and call you when all is done. Now go," Jimin replied, pushing Tae towards Kook.

"Okay, okay, let's go, baby," Taehyung said, earning Kook's attention with the nickname. Kook looked around with wide eyes, thinking, 'What's hyung doing? Everyone is still here.' But thankfully, no one heard, as they were a little far from them and were busy packing everything up. He moved forward and slapped Taehyung's chest obviously lightly.

"Ouch," But of course taehyung is dramatic

"What was that for, bub?" Taehyung asked, feigning hurt. Just to get another slap, this time a little harder.

"Look around, hyungie. What are you doing?" Jungkook whispered. Taehyung looked around to see staff working. Although everyone knew that BTS considered this new artist as their maknae and were very fond of him but obviously, no one knew about Taekook being husbands except Bang PD and their manager. Whenever he went there as Taehyung's husband, he was always covered with a mask and bucket hat so no one recognized him.

"Sorry," Taehyung said sheepishly.

"But now let's go. Don't you wanna have ice cream?" As soon as Jungkook heard this, his demeanour changed 180°. Taehyung looked at him dumbfounded as Jungkook jumped a little with a bright smile, already pulling Taehyung towards the back entrance. All the hyungs chuckled at his antics as they also made their way to the back entrance.

"Hyungs, you all are coming too, right?" Kook asked, peeking from the window.

"No kiddo, we are quite tired and sleepy. We're gonna head home," Yoongi replied, as all of them nodded.

"But Meow Meow hyungie, you are always sleepy," Jungkook said as he quickly went inside and slapped Taehyung's arms in excitement.

"Ppalli ppalli, hyung, ppalli gaja," he said, giggling loudly.   [ppalli=fast & gaja=let's go]

"You brat, wait and see. I'll not buy you banana milk," Yoongi said as Taehyung started driving.

"You love me too much, hyung," Jungkook said again, peeking his head and smiling brightly, he ducked his head inside and closed the window.

"We spoil him way too much," Yoongi said, shaking his head.

"Hyung, you are the only one who buys him cartons to banana milk," Jimin said as others laughed at him, ignoring Yoongi's glare and dragging him inside the car.

"Come on, Yoonie, drive. We don't have much time," Yoongi smiled, remembering the surprise, and drove towards their home along with everyone.

"You are such a brat, bun," Taehyung said, eyeing the giggling younger.

"I'm not, hyungiee~" Jungkook whined, showing his pouty lips and puppy eyes to Tae. Taehyung clicked his tongue as he brought his free hand to the younger's thigh, squeezing it and earning a surprise moan from Kook. He smirked, knowing the younger might be blushing now.

Taehyung stopped the car in front of an ice cream parlour. He leaned to Kook's side to take out the mask and a large bucket hat from the glove compartment and wear the hat. The elder looked towards the younger in the same position and found him staring back. He quickly pecked the younger and rushed out of the car wearing the mask, heading towards the parlour.

jungkook closed his eyes and relaxed in the seat, feeling a little tired and sleepy from the day, but the phone ring disturbed his time. He took out the phone and saw his eomma video calling him. He quickly picked up, excited to talk to them.

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