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Kieran accepted his defeat against Carmine...but Drayton wasn't satisfied with just that.

Drayton saw that the defeat didn't really affect Kieran that much.

"Drayton? What're you doing?" Carmine asked suspiciously from the clubroom entrance.

Carmine narrowed her eyes at him, a mix of suspiciousness and curiosity taking hold of her.

"nothing important." Drayton continued connecting dots on his planner.

Carmine walked over to look at the planner board, Drayton doing nothing to stop her. "What're you planning Drayton? And why does it involve my brother?"

Drayton shot a glare at Carmine, "I still want revenge Carmine." He responded, his voice cold and filled with malice.

Carmine took a step back...was, wait...his eyes weren't purple before...were they.

"Your eyes aren't purple, there orange!" Carmine felt the pressure of the air around her slowly contracting.

Drayton's eyes have never been so frightening 

Drayton clapped, "congratulations."

Carmine made a beeline for the exit, however, Drayton's Flygon blocked it.

"Have a piece of mochi Carmine....I assure you its delicious." Drayton wrapped his arm around Carmine's neck, pulling her close to him.

He grabbed a weird purple piece of mochi out of his pocket and stuffed it down her mouth.

Drayton released his grip over her, the mochi having slid down Carmine's throat into her stomach...it was small.

Carmine dropped to the floor, coughing and wheezing as she tried to regain herself.

"Now...go convince your brother to sign up t the league club again...convince him to work his way through the ranks and to battle me last...after all, I don't want to battle him at his weakest."

"no, I'm not doing the league club again Carmine!" Kieran snapped.

Carmine took a step back, she was more...persistent with him.

"Kieran, you should...you need a way to get yourself out of your room, for you to stop skulking, Juliana's left, she isn't coming back." Carmine paused for a minute, "You need an outlet you can have fun with, you like battling, and you like winning."

'SLAM!' Kieran huffed, he was done, he wasn't going to deal with his sister doing this to him, she'd been enough trouble before the incident in Kitakami, this? this was blatantly annoying.

Carmine persisted for the next three weeks, and every time she did, Kieran would tolerate it less, and less.

Kieran eventually just started walking away from her every time he saw her.

He felt so full of rage...and yet.

It didn't sound like Carmine's own words...if anything, it sounded like Drayton's words.

She'd been influenced by him way too much.


Kieran paused, "Calling Master Kieran to Ms Brair's office, Master Kieran to Ms Brair's office please."

Kieran sighed, and made his way to Ms Brair's office, as requested.

He saw Drayton on his way to Ms Brair's office, he almost looked like he was scolding Carmine...but surely Kieran was wrong, like he'd been right many times before.

Kieran opened the door to Ms Brair's office, who was signing off on documents.

"Hello Kieran, how have you been?" Ms Brair asked, putting down her pen and rubbing her face, as if she'd been looking at a screen for a few hours.

"Ok I guess." Kieran responded.

"Wonderful, now, as I said back down in Area Zero...We should test Terapagos's power!" Ms Brair stood up, her face a twisted look of excitement and obsession.

Kieran thought for a second before responding, "How about instead YOU, see Terapagos's true power?"

Holding out Terapagos's pokeball to Brair.

Brair's expression widened, her eyes were...purple.

"My goodness, your thoughtfulness!" Without a second thought Brair snatched the pokeball out of Kieran's hands.

Kieran exited Brair's office, letting her go crazy by herself.

"Well, if it isn't Kieran." Kieran turned around to see Drayton, behind him were a few other students, all snickering and Carmine, who was staring intensely into Kieran's soul. "Thought I'd find you here."

Drayton gave Kieran a dangerous side-eye. "I think you should give the league club another go, afterall, your more relaxed, you can compete in it, fairly this time. or, you could just give me a battle, or you could stay sad and pathetic."

Kieran felt the rage boiling inside him, Drayton knew what he was doing, "well?"

In but one swift movement, Kieran punched Drayton, point blank in the nose. Drayton. not expecting the hit fell to the ground.

"Why you!" Drayton got up, but before he could do anything another teacher came by.

"Drayton...leave Master Kieran alone, or else you'll be feeling the destructive end of my Abomasnow."

Kieran turned his head a small bit. Standing their, was likely the least scary teacher in the school, Mr Winter.

Drayton dusted himself off, but looked back up to glare, "Lucky, lucky."

Mr Winter, looked at Kieran, "Master Kieran...I'd like to see you in my office."

Kieran sighed.

They made it to Mr Winter's office.

"As much as I take your side in that you were antagonised to the point of boiling rage, physical violence isn't accepted at this establishment, and I require details about the incident. Please answer as truthfully as possible master Kieran, you won't be punished, however more initiative will be taken to prevent incidents like this from happening again." Mr Winter slid a form to the other side of his desk, infront of Kieran.

Drayton leaned on the wall just outside Mr Winter's office.

"Well, the fly is caught in our web."

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