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Kieran saw the strange man at the entrance. An Orange blazer, with white pants and a navy blue shirt.

He was chatting to Crispin and Amarys, the only members of BB elite 4 without purple eyes, even some of there supporters had purple eyes.

"Um, hi?" Kieran approached the man.

"Hmm? yes, who would you be?" He pivoted on the spot almost instantly.

The man looked into Kieran's eyes, "Would you be...Kieran perhaps?" He asked.

Kieran nodded, "and you are?"

"Clavell, Director Clavell of Uvaranja academy." The man responded. "She did say that you would have a fire in your eyes." He muttered afterwards.

"Master Kieran, would you be so kind as to join Uvaranja's exchange program?" Director Clavell asked.

Kieran thought for a second, "I wasn't aware that Uvaranja had an exchange program." he admitted.

"Well, we didn't until a few days ago when a student of ours suggested it to me, I thought it was a wonderful idea and thought it may give students from overseas incentive to attend their education at our lovely academy, either way, what do you say?" Director Clavell explained.

Kieran thought, "how long do I have until you leave?"

Clavell thought for a second, "I honestly expected to stay a bit to catch up with Cyrano, however it would be better for the academy if I could leave earlier." Clavell continued to think, "3 days, then I leave."

Kieran nodded, "I'll go."

The plane landed. Kieran...felt terrified. This was a new region, with new faces and- "HI, I'M NEMONA, NICE TO MEET YOU!"

Kieran almost fell to the ground.

Nemona, scared the living sh** out of Kieran.

"Nemona, calm down would ya?" A boy with duel-toned grey/brown hair was directly behind her, only a single, annoyed eye showing. "I'm Arven."

The boy lend a hand down to Kieran, helping him up, "you are?" Arven asked. "K-kieran."

Kieran never felt more frightened in his life.

A new place, new people, new everything.

Except Juliana

Juliana was the only person he'd know straight off the bat, his whole reason for accepting the exchange program.

After a tour of the school and Mesagoza at large, Kieran had a sheet of paper stuffed in his face by Nemona.

"That's the subject form, you can choose which subjects you wanna do." Nemona giggled as Arven struggled his pencil case out his bag.

"Shut up." He snarled.

Suddenly the classroom door opened.

5 people walked in.

"Hey, we heard that there was a new kid here, I'm Mela." The red headed girl spoke.

"Giacomo, nice to meet ya." The boy next to her greeted.

"I'm Eri, I hope you have a wonderful time here at our school." "I'm Ortega, if you need help, I'll try to help you." "Awww, Ortie, you've never offered to help anyone before, what's the change of heart for?"

"And thy am Atticus, tis you worthy of my plea's, maybe thou shall be become friends with thee."

Kieran waved, "I'm, K-kieran."

Giacomo was first to speak, "I'm head of academic leadership and student leader for the musical scene, I'll try my best to make it fun for you, if you choose music that is Kieran.

"As said before, I'm Mela, student leader for art and, well, that's really it, I like art projects, and I can bend things to suit people preferences, though not too much, Professor Hassel doesn't like me much when a outright change things."

"I'm Eri! Student initiative leader and student sport Captain! I can't do much to change things, but I work with Ms Dendra to make sure things are fun!"

"Ahh, yes, thy am Leader for the fashion and languages department, one a passion, the other a mere hobby." Atticus rambled

Ortega didn't speak up, was he not a leader? maybe just there for support.

"Just asking, but, who are the standout students for each subject." Kieran asked nervously.

Giacomo smiled, "Well, for music, Ohara and Juliana are standout students, amazing on the violin." He thought for a minute, "I find myself as the top of history, rather strangely."

Mela spoke up next, "With art, Atticus is actually the standout student, Math goes to Arven, somehow and Technologies is Penny's only subject, and of course she's the best."

"Enough talking guys, Kieran, you don't need to fill out the sheet today, you can get a taste of all the classes if you want, then fill out the sheet." Arven stated

"Giacomo?" a face pocked out from behind the door, "yeah Juli?" "The music performance is starting soon, Ohara's had a panic attack, we need help."

Giacomo turned around and started walking backwards, "I'll see you guys later."

Kieran could still hear him down the halls as he frantically ran down to the music room.

"I'll take you to the dorm room, though either way I need to drop by Nurse Miriam's office first." Nemona smiled, albeit manically.

"okay." he whispered quietly.

The two stopped at a humble door. Nemona opened it. "Nurse Miriam!" She called.

Kieran felt himself slowly falling asleep. "Sorry Nemona, I'm busy, can you come by later? Or tomorrow?"

Nemona grunted, but accepted and moved on.

"This Kieran, is your room-"

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