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Kieran finished the final class for the day, collapsing on the bed.

Kieran passed out from exhaustion the day before, and all that was done about that, was that he was thrown into his dorm bed, though that would more likely be because Nemona was caring for him at the time.

Juliana thought of what she saw in the hall.

She felt rage build up in her face, was she jealous of Nemona? Surely not, Nemona was a best friend of hers... right?

'THUD' "OWWW, hey watch it!" "sorry-" Juliana looked at the boy infront of her, who didn't seem to notice her yet.

Juliana picked her stuff up and ran away, her cheeks as pink as a Cherubi, "Kieran" She whispered meekly.

Kieran felt someone walk into him as he exited his room.

He heard the person say sorry, before they ran off. "Who was that?" He muttered to himself.

Kieran peeked around a corner where the person ran off too. He saw Juliana giggle as Arven said something to her.

ugh, competition for Juliana, why can't things be easy? Kieran thought annoyed.

Wait, did he feel...jealous?

"What're you doing?" Nemona whispered from behind him, a small smirk across her face.

"WHAT THE F*** NEMONA!?" Kieran yelled subconsciously. He covered his mouth and disappeared back to his room.

He covered his face in his hands, "I'm a mess." Kieran said exhausted.

Someone knocked at his dorm door.

He opened the door, "Yes?"

It was Juliana, "Y-you okay?" She asked, somewhat worried.

"yeah, just Nemona scaring the living daylights out of me." Kieran started to close his door.

"Oh, okay, um, W-WAIT Kieran!" Kieran paused.

"I w-was just wondering I-if you'd l-like to, go o-on a date w-with me." Juliana closed her eyes and braced for a no.

Kieran never heard her stutter so much, normally, at least in his experience, she was fearless, or her selflessness outweighed her fear at least.


Juliana actually felt shocked, "g-great, meet me at L-levincia city 'morrow." She said before running off.

Kieran shut the door, resting his back against it.

"She still likes me."

Juliana shut her bedroom door.

"AHHHHH!, he actually wants to go." She squealed, hugging her Spheal plushie. "What should I wear? What should I bring?"

Juliana stopped herself. "What would Ortie think?"

"Everyone at this point knows Ortie has the biggest crush in existence on me, What would he think if he saw me with someone else?" Juliana often forgot that everyone in Team Star were now her friends.

Still occasionally thinking they were bad, despite their hard work to HELP.

"If Ortie found out, what would he do?" Juliana thought, "Would he...freak out? Would he be okay with it?"

Juliana found herself in a moral dilemma.

The rest of the day went on normal, although Juliana took some time to stop by the clothing shops to find something nice, considering it was winter in Paldea.

The day finally rolled around, everyone had the day off, so everyone was prepping to do something big for the day.

It was almost midday.

Juliana shivered as the cold rolled in evermore, she never liked winter, it was WAAAAYYY to cold, Galar was never like this, at least, from memory.

"Sorry I was late Juliana, a few Tauros'." Kieran stumbled to the Pokemon centre, looking back in paranoia.

"It's fine." Juliana shivered again, "I should've brought a bigger f***ing jacket" she muttered to herself.

Kieran kept his hands in his pockets as the duo walked through Levincia, only the hum of people chatting and the ocean below the city breaking the silence between the two.

"So, Juli..." Kieran began, "Why did you invite me...of all people?" He finished.

Juliana had two choices, the truth or to break his heart again, she'd rather the truth.

"Um, no reason, just, I-i-" "JULIANA!!" Iono screamed, running up to her.

Well, scratch telling him the truth, Iono was here to bring the tent down.

"How're you girl?" She asked, "And who's the boy?" She asked cheekily.

Juliana felt her cheeks heat up, "He's Kieran, I'm... O-okay."

Iono rolled her eyes, "Either way I thought I'd see you hear, I've found a shockingly good place for a few games, it's also got heatin'!!"

Iono grabbed Juliana's hand and ran off with her. "W-WAIT UP!" Kieran begged.

Kieran panted, Iono had paused to answer a message on her phone.

"Who's messaging you?" Juliana asked, "no one." Iono responded, her cheeks turning slightly red.

"Annnnyway, welcome to Levincia's newest laser tag arcade!" Iono exclaimed, her eyes with bright stars in it.

The three entered, and the next game was about to start.

"Oh, so sorry, there's only two spots left open for yellow team." The staffer apologised.

"It's fine, I'll stay back, I'll join in the next game." Juliana walked over to the couch.

Iono shrugged, "thanks." Kieran said quietly.

After a quick screen tutorial the game started.

Juliana watched, she saw the teamwork Iono and Kieran had.

With just a few minutes, they went from strangers to best friends.

Juliana...she couldn't have felt more jealous.

She didn't regret letting Kieran play laser tag, the boy never played it before.

But, she was jealous that he was getting so comfortable with Iono.

Iono and Juliana weren't quite friends, they both had fun together, but...well, they didn't know each other very well.

The game finished and, the wait was worth it.

Juliana had so much fun during the game, they still lost, but, the opposing team were pros.

Iono smiled, Kieran and Juliana got on so well. "Those two...they remind me of Miriam and Grusha."

"AHH!" Iono screamed and shot the digital blasts at the opponent, "YEAH, THAT'S WHAT YA GET FOR SNEAKIN' UP ON ME-" Iono grunted as she blasted.

Juliana and Kieran spent the rest of the day doing things that both enjoyed.

It was sunset, the two felt exhausted, but either way they were still giggling.

"Thanks for inviting me for today Juli." Kieran panted.

Juliana felt Butterfree's in her stomach as she spoke, "Your welcome Kiki."

"I-I was wondering, w-would you-" 'BANG, BANG, BANG!'

Fireworks exploded above the ocean, cutting Juliana off mid-sentence.

Kieran brought her close to him.

"I know this may seem sudden." Another firework blew up. "But, Juliana, I love you."

Kieran brought Juliana in close, but Juliana was the one to spring to the opportunity for the kiss.

Ortega watched it all, he felt more beyond angry, he was Jealous, angry, sad and disheartened.

It was always his future to be with Juliana.

And yet.

This boy, who hadn't even been in Paldea for 4 days, was the one Juliana chose.

"I can give you what you want."

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