Chapter 36: Dilemma

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This chapter marks the beginning of Volume VIII: The Black Temple. Enjoy! Oh yeah, and CW: MODERATELY EROTIC SCENE

The Underworld: Thirteen days until the tournament (BGM: Persona 5 - Have a Short Rest)

Issei lounged backstage after a live performance. He was still surprised by how popular he had become as the Grabbin' Dragon. He took a sip of water. "The hell do kids love this show for?" He paused when he heard a child whining from outside.
"No fair!" the child wailed. "You said we were gonna get to meet him! I wanna meet the Grabbin' Dragon!"
Issei opened the exit door and watched the scene: a young boy and his mother were denied a meet-and-greet with him because the tickets were sold out.
The venue employee bowed. "I'm so sorry, but this evening's meet-and-greet and autograph tickets are both completely sold out."
"How unfortunate," the mother sighed. "Looks like we'll have to try another time, honey. They're already sold out."
The boy refused to comply. "No fair! I wanna see him today!"
Issei activated his Balance Breaker, without the helmet, and walked out to meet the boy. "What's goin' on?"
The boy stopped crying and smiled. "You're here! It's really you!" He ran toward Issei.
"Hey, kiddo. What's your name?"
"That's an awesome name, bro. I'm psyched that you and your mom came out to see me today."
"Your show was so cool! Can you sign my hat?" Lirenkus took off his Red Dragon Emperor hat and handed it to Issei.
"Of course. Got a pen?"
"Y-yes, sir!" The employee scrambled to take out a pen and handed it to Issei.
Issei signed Lirenkus's hat. "There we go. Listen, real men don't throw fits, got it? You gotta be strong to protect your mom. Like a hero."
"Got it!" Lirenkus put his hat back on. "That's awesome! Thanks, Mr. Grabbin' Dragon!"
Issei waved Lirenkus and his mother off.
"Mr. Hyoudou, please don't do spontaneous things like that in the future," the employee chided. "It's just impossible to accommodate every child that comes through here, and quite frankly, it sets a bad precedent."
"Yeah, I guess you're right. But I wasn't just gonna leave him there crying."
"I know how you feel, but favoring some kids over others like that isn't going to be good for your reputation."
"Then we'll get to every kid. I can't play favorites if I get to everyone, right?"
"That won't be easy..."
"We can do it."

BGM: Persona 5 - Sweet

Issei sat down in his dressing room, sighing to himself. "Every kid... what did I get myself into?"
"You never cease to amaze me," Rias's voice remarked. She entered the room, still wearing her princess costume from the performance.
"Oh, p-president! How much of that did you see?"
"Enough to be impressed."
"Not like it was really anything special..."
Rias hugged Issei from behind. "I bet it was special to that boy."
The door to the dressing room opened once more. "Right in here," Zach said as he let Mrs. Gremory and Millicas in. "You've got visitors, Issei."
"Hi, Issei!" Millicas greeted as he walked in. "I saw your show, it was super cool!"
"Your performance was quite delightful," Mrs. Gremory agreed. "But we never anticipated it would be this popular. Thanks to its success, we'll be able to keep funding the Gremory family and even the alliance's present and future endeavors for eons to come. The children of the Underworld can't get enough of you. I do hope you'll continue the wonderful work you're doing here. Not only for the children, but for the rest of the Gremory family and our beloved daughter as well."
Issei nodded. "Yes, ma'am. I won't let you down, Miss President's Mom!"
"Thank you, but I'd rather you call me something other than Miss President's Mom. You could always call me Mother-in-Law, or better yet, just Mother. Honestly, I'm not sure why you've taken to calling Rias president in the first place. Tell me, Issei. Do you love my daughter?"
"U-uh, of course! I love her and I respect her and all that! I'd rather die than let anything bad happen to her!"
"I see. Those feelings are quite natural between a master and servant, but what about your feelings beyond that? As in, what does Rias mean to you personally?"
"I... I'll have to think about that some more."
"Of course. Rias, you should think about it as well. Well, we'll be going now. Take care." Mrs. Gremory took Millicas's hand and they left.
Rias nodded. "Right... well, Issei, we should head home and start prepping for the school festival. There's still a lot for us to sort out."
Zach cleared his throat. "I definitely regret staying for that. It was the most awkward I've felt in years."
"Y-you're still here?!"
"Never even left. But, uh... you and Rias should definitely figure yourselves out. This 'will they, won't they' thing is getting a little stale."

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