Chapter 47: Catching Up

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This chapter marks the end of Volume IX: The Daemon's Awakening. enjoy <3

Lilith, the Underworld (BGM: Persona 5 - Price, alt. version)

Vali Lucifer lounged in his prison cell- though it felt more like a hotel room with how luxurious it was. He assumed the Alliance had gotten him and his team some recognition for the help they'd given thus far. He sat up when he heard a knock on his door. "Don't worry, I haven't escaped," he called back. "Not like I could anyway." He fidgeted with the magic-suppressing bracelet on his wrist, an invention courtesy of Ajuka Beelzebub.
Sirzechs Lucifer entered the cell, the door locking behind him. "Vali. We need to talk."
"What can I do for you, Sirzechs?"
"It's about your grandfather." Sirzechs sat down on the edge of Vali's bed. "More specifically, his power."
Vali frowned. "What about it? That's not exactly a sphere of knowledge that I possess much expertise in."
"You would know his strength better than anyone else currently alive." The Devil King sighed. "I won't bore you with the details. All you need to know is that Rizevim's Daemon power was transferred to Zach."
Vali's eyes widened. "It was transferred to Zach? That's... incredible. So he'll be able to keep fighting after all."
Sirzechs nodded. "Yes. He will. But more importantly, these powers won't have any adverse effects on him, will they? Changes in his personality, perhaps? Or negative effects on his health?"
"That knowledge is beyond me," Vali said as he shook his head. "I don't know much about the Daemon, only the method by which it transfers and that it's incredibly dangerous in the wrong hands, as you've no doubt seen."
"How it transfers? Explain."
"The Daemon started with my great-grandfather, Lucifer. It was his power originally. Until it found a suitably potent successor in his son. It's constantly searching for a new host to latch on to. When it detects someone suitable, it compels its current host to get closer to the new host and spreads to them once in proximity."
"Although in Zach's case, it remained dormant until recently. But if it's been transferred to Zach, does that mean Rizevim has now lost its power?" Sirzechs asked.
"No." Vali stood and looked out the window. "Rizevim, wherever he is, is just as dangerous as ever. The Daemon isn't a singular force that goes from person to person like the Longinus are. It's more like a virus. Lucifer was patient zero. He 'infected' Rizevim, as well as the few other Daemons that have existed- may they rest in peace. And then Rizevim, perhaps unknowingly, has now made Zach a Daemon. And if Zach finds a suitable host, they will also become a Daemon. And so the cycle goes."
"I see. But one thing still doesn't make sense." Sirzechs scratched his chin. "How did Lucifer get the power? Was he born with it?"
Vali shrugged. "Nobody knows. There are theories, of course- that he was blessed by Great Red or Ophis, that it's a shred of Trihexa's power, and the like. Whether any of them are true, we'll probably never know unless the man himself comes back from the dead. And even then, he probably wouldn't know the source of his own power. If Zach ever feels like investigating, let him know that I'd be open to helping."
"I see." Sirzechs stood. "Thank you, Vali. You've been very helpful."
"Helpful enough to get out of prison?"
"Don't push your luck." Sirzechs knocked on the door and exited when it opened.
Vali watched the door shut and lock, leaving him alone once again. 


Zach entered Kuroka's prison cell. It was nicer than he'd expected them to give her, all things considered. Kuroka herself was curled up in bed, quietly sobbing into her pillow. She didn't even seem to notice him enter.
"Hi, Kuroka," he said as he sat next to her.
Kuroka glanced up at her visitor before burying her head back in her pillow. "Go away."
Zach winced. He wasn't exactly surprised, but her cold attitude still hurt. "Um... just wanted to check on you. See how you were doing."
"How do you think I'm doing?" Kuroka grumbled, her voice muffled by the pillow.
"Yeah. I figured." Zach summoned an orb of Daemonic power in his palm. "I just wanted to give you a little update. I think I found a way to beat Rizevim."
Kuroka looked up, her ears twitching as she wiped away her tears. "How? What is that power? It's nothing like your fire."
"It's the power of a Daemon. I'm going to use Rizevim's own power against him." 
"You stole his power?" Kuroka asked as she sat up all the way. 
"Not necessarily stole." Zach closed his fist, extinguishing the orb. "It was... transferred to me. I don't know all the mechanics behind it just yet, but I'm figuring it out. And it's strong. Stronger than the Phoenix of Rebellion."
"That's hard to believe. Your power as the Phoenix was... well, there's a reason I popped the question. Although you smell like someone's already laid claim to your descendants."
Zach stared blankly. "Huh?"
"Oh, don't play dumb." Kuroka sniffed the air. "I can smell that angel all over you. Just what have you gotten up to while I've been rotting in here?"
"Not what you're thinking," Zach said quickly. "But getting back on track... I'm going to rejoin the fight against Rizevim. And I think you should too. So if you want me to, I'll try to pull some strings to get you and your friends out of prison. I can't promise anything, but I'll do what I can."
"How sweet. You do care after all."
"Was that ever in question?"
"Last person to say they cared about me experimented on me and nearly subjected my sister to the same fate, so yes. It was."
Zach narrowed his eyes. "So that's why you killed him. Well, whatever. A story for another day. If all goes well, I'll see you when you're a free woman." He stood.
"Let's hope." Kuroka looked away for a moment. "And Zach, I'm sorry. For thinking what happened to Shirone was your fault. It was mine."
"How do you mean?"
"That oath I took to stay away. Remember? The one I broke. You warned me, I'd suffer a fate worse than death." Kuroka sighed. "Guess this is it." 
"Maybe it's both of our faults," Zach said with a solemn look. "Pointing fingers won't solve anything. All we can do is keep moving forward- and put an end to Rizevim." With that, he left.
As soon as the door closed, Kuroka buried her face in her hands. She wanted to see him as just another man in her clutches, but he made it so impossible. She was the one getting played with this time, not the other way around.
She decided she didn't like this feeling.

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