Chapter 41: The Festival

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Revan gathered the competitors and their friends one last time. "Thank you all so much for participating. Even if you didn't make it to the tournament, you've made a mark on this temple for years to come. Continue to excel in the coming year, and perhaps you'll be invited back again for the next one. Take care." He waved his hand, and everyone was teleported home.
The Occult Research Club found themselves standing outside the Hyoudou residence.
Zach dusted some snow off his shoulder. "It feels good to be back. But what are your parents gonna say to us being gone for over a week, Issei?"
Issei shrugged and opened the door. "If they even notice, you mean," he said as he walked in. "Hey, Mom! Hey, Dad! We're back!" He didn't get a response. "See? They're probably on vacation again. My guess is Dubai."
"A thousand yen says they're backpacking across Europe."
"I'll take that bet." Issei went into the kitchen and found a note taped to the fridge. "Here we go. 'Hey, everyone: we're on vacation in South America. Back on the 11th! Love, Mom and Dad.' Huh. We were both wrong."
Zach shrugged.
"I should probably tell my dad to calm down with all the luxury vacations," Rias figured. "They have to get tired of it eventually."
Xenovia put her hands on her hips. "But what did they tell them to cover for us being gone?"
"Probably a surprise school trip."
"They can't possibly fall for that lie every time."
"Persuasive magic works wonders."
"Don't I know it," Zach agreed. "I'd better get home. See you guys later."

September 21st

Issei lay in bed, unable to sleep. Rias was curled up on one side of him, and Asia on the other. Koneko was somewhere under the covers, but Issei had lost track of her at least an hour ago.
Partner, I have news, Ddraig said in his head.
What's up? Issei asked.
A message from one Vali Lucifer.
Issei frowned. Vali? The hell does the White Douchebag Emperor want?
He said that the Khaos Brigade plans to attack the capital city of the Underworld on the day after tomorrow. Should I pass it along to the leaders?
Nah. Probably just some kinda trick. Ignore it.
Very well. You should rest, Ddraig suggested.
I'm trying. Just can't sleep tonight.
Hmm. Let me try something...
Within seconds, Issei's eyelids grew too heavy to keep open, and he drifted off into a deep sleep.

September 22nd (BGM: Persona 5 - New Beginning)

Rias watched as her club members scrambled to put the finishing touches on everything for the school festival and change into their costumes. They'd spent nearly every free moment working for almost two weeks now, but it was still almost not enough time. The festival was starting in half an hour, and they'd only barely finished.
Zach looked out the window. The teachers were getting ready to let the crowd into the school grounds. "Places, everyone! It's go time!" he announced before downing a shot of espresso. "Alright, let's do this. Ready, Rias?"
"As I'll ever be. Thanks for all this, by the way. You really put in a lot of work. I seriously owe you."
"My pleasure. How about a kiss?" Zach suggested, smirking mischievously.
"Don't push your luck."
"Kiss on the cheek?"
"Fine." Rias gave Zach a peck on the cheek.
"And another car."
"Deal, but that's it. Send my dad the details."
"Works for me. Let's get to business, sis." Zach jogged downstairs, adjusting his bowtie as he went.
"Sis? That's new," Rias noticed as she went after him.

Asia was greeting the guests at the entrance. She bowed as they walked in. "Welcome to the Mansion of the Occult!"
Most of the ground floor had been converted into a cafe, with the ORC members dressed as butlers and maids, respectively. Zach and his team of fire elementals worked hard behind the scenes to prepare enough freshly made coffee and snacks for everyone. He hummed to himself as he worked.
Xenovia walked into the kitchen. "Zach, you're up to wait tables. I'll take over back here."
"Gotcha. Follow the instructions to the letter, alright?" Zach tapped the counter, to which he'd taped instructions on how to make the perfect cup of coffee. "To. The. Letter."
"I know. Just get out there. Wait, do your shoes have heels?"
"You've known me long enough. Don't act like it's a big deal." Zach grabbed a clipboard and pen and went out into the fray. He went first to a table of first-year girls. "Hey there, ladies. Enjoying the mansion so far?"
"Oh, yeah! It's all super spooky stuff!" one of the girls said. "Hey, can you take a pic with us?"
"Sure." Zach took one girl's phone and got into the frame with them. "Smile!" He took the picture and handed it back. "Hope you like it. Speaking of liking, what would you like to drink?"
Issei watched the girls go about their work in the maid outfits. Damn, this is awesome! Especially the president!
"Hey, Issei." Kiba came out from behind a curtain. "You're up to scare the guests."
"Oh, right! Wish me luck!" Issei ran off, changed into his costume, and went out to scare people. He mostly ended up getting hit by girls and called a pervert.
A swarm of girls surrounded Gasper, who was dressed as a more traditional vampire. "So cute!" they exclaimed.
"No, I'm scary!" he countered, baring his fangs in the most adorable way possible. "I'm, uh, gonna get you and stuff!"
Issei sighed. "Leave it to Gasper to make vampires seem like the least threatening thing ever."
"There!" one of the girls from the kendo club exclaimed, pointing at Issei. She and her friend were armed with a broom and a plastic skull. "We're gonna beat the perv outta you!" They charged Issei, preparing to attack with the ferocity of a thousand lions.
Issei started to flee. "Ah, shit, here we go again." He turned a corner and headed upstairs, quickly losing the girls in the halls of the building.

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