Goodbye Seth

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Kylie believed in ghosts because she had to .

If she didn't believe she would have to accept that her brother was really gone , and she didn't want to do that . 

Not when there was still a chance that she could talk to Seth one last time and finally say that she was sorry , tell him that she loved him , and that she wished that she had tried harder to stop him .

Seth had decided to break into the the creepiest house on their street full of old creepy houses . The one nobody ever came back from - at least not the way they had gone in .

Sure everybody who went in came back out but they were never the same .

 Andy Jones , a seventh grader who never turned down a dare had gone there three years  ago on Halloween , on - you guessed it a dare . You know the usual , a big talking kid gets dared to go in the abandoned house and comes back scared and shaking ?

Well he did , he came back out maybe twenty minutes later and told everybody that it was just an old house , finished trick - or - treating , and went to school the next day . 

He was acting weird sure , but everyone thought he was just a little creeped out .                               But later that day at school - sometime during lunch, Andy's friends noticed that he wasn't eating and how pale he looked, with dark , hollow eyes that stared past you and unnaturally stiff movements . 

One of them grabbed Andy's wrist to catch his attention , and realized that he had no pulse. After that it's unclear what happened - after all I was never there, I'm just the narrator . But most accounts claim that the boy just watched in shell - shocked horror as his friend's corpse collapsed on the floor stiff with rigor mortis, before getting up , and slowly , stiffly shuffling out the door .                                                                                                                                                                                  

After that they sent search groups out to find Andy, convinced that he had been playing some sort of twisted prank . It took almost two days , but they eventually found him-in the house he had gone in , torn down the middle with almost all of his internal organs gone , and bones shoved out of place as if something had been inside him , using his body as a gruesome , fleshy puppet .

        Over the next few years this happened ten more times , with all the victims found torn down the middle in the house that started it all . Seth - who had always been thick headed decided that he was going to look for the monster that had killed those people , convinced that if he knew about the monster he would be prepared and able to escape.                                                                                                                                                      Kylie tried to talk him out of it , and thought she had convinced him to stay home - that night at least. But when she started awake just after one she realized that Seth was gone, and if he wasn't in their house - the only place he could be was the monster's house . 

She quickly jumped out of bed and grabbed a flashlight, hoping she could catch Seth before he actually went in there. 

Hurrying out the door and quietly edging it shut Kylie ran down the street as fast as she could, no longer caring about the noise . As she arrived at the house , she saw that the door was still open , creaking quietly in the muggy night air. Slowing down she crept across the rotting porch and towards the open doorway, trying her hardest to go unheard . As she crept into the the dusty mildewed hall she heard a wet, goopy squelching sound and froze midstep , hoping that sound wasn't what she thought it was. Taking a deep breath she slowly continued up the hallway , when nothing happened she continued a little quicker and whispered "Seth? Are you there?"

A soft rustling sound she hadn't even realized was there suddenly stopped.

"Seth? Is that you?"


Kylie didn't even notice how the voice that should be her brother's sounded strange , almost emotionless, with the words inflected all wrong like the thing using the voice had only vague memories of how to use something else's vocal cords. She didn't bother to think about what all the stories said, all she thought about was finding her brother and getting home safe.

She rushed into the next room to see a figure standing in the center, taller than her and solidly built. "Seth?" she asked slowly stepping into the room and easing the door closed behind her. "Is that really you?". 

Instead of answering the figure stepped forward , " S-seth?"

"Come on, we need to go home. Stop fooling around!" 

The figure didn't move, standing in the middle of the room blood seeping through it's shirt as if it had been torn down the middle.

Kylie stepped back, reaching behind her for the doorknob, " Y-you're not Seth. What a-are you?"  The thing wearing Seth's body inhaled, a raspy gurgling sound, air scraping the sides of a ruined throat, and choking on blood. "took you long enough" the thing rasped . 

She quickly turned around and started fumbling with the doorknob , trying to ignore the squelching sounds behind her as the thing crawled out of Seth's corpse. Right when the door opened she heard a squishing sound and a thump as something hit the floor behind her . 

Halfway out the door she stopped, startled by the noise , before running down the hallway as fast as she could trying to get out of that house . As Kylie ran she could hear the sounds of something running behind her on all fours, nails scraping on the uneven wood floors. 

She sped up, ignoring the splintered floor only focused on making it out of the house. When she made it to the door she stopped for a second, turning around and stopping in her tracks as she saw what was chasing her. It was something that might never have been human, with pale corpselike skin, twisted limbs and body distorted far past what you could call humanoid. Its whitish, lidless eyes squinted in the faint light of the moon unused to light.

Kylie nearly screamed, slamming the door shut and sprinting down the porch steps.

As Kylie left she whispered " Goodbye Seth, I'm sorry."                                                                                   She ran down the street, breathing hard and determined to get as far away from this place as possible. 

               Kylie doesn't believe in ghosts

     But she does believe in monsters

because there's one trying to find her 

This story came out of nowhere, hit me like a train derailment, and held my family hostage while I struggled with the second half, and then proceeded to escape and run off into the  fields behind my house to terrorize the locals.

So yeah it was a lot. Shoutout to @MaxorJames for betaing this insanity, and Fallout Boy's music for getting me through the second half of this. 

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