It's Not Important

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Breath in.

Breath out.

The soft whooshing noises of the machines keeping you alive accompanies every breath.          You can feel the oxygen tubes in your nose, rubbing against your skin as you shift.

The doctor said you wouldn't feel the tubes after a few weeks, and usually you can't. but tonight they rub against you as you look towards the clock on the wall.


You think that you should feel tired but you don't, you might be past feeling even that now.


Is this just a dream? The minutes seem to tick past in hours. How long have you been in the hospital anyway?

    You remember laughing in the sun with your friends, but you can't remember the names of the people you're with, you close your eyes trying to pull the faces into focus. 

As you try to remember time slips around you. 

What's the point of keeping track if you know you're going to die here?

Is this a dream?

          This is a dream.

    Is it really?

Your eyes snap open.


Time did not stop for you, after all when has time ever stopped for anyone?

You just floated though it as you struggled to remember. What were you trying to remember anyway?

It's not important anymore.

You look to your bedside table, usually there's flowers and cards and that sort of thing. But today there's nothing but the calendar.


What does that mean? You don't know. You feel like it means something but it's just numbers.

You roll over, if you can't remember then it wasn't important anyway.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Time flashes by in the blurred whispers of people standing by your bed.

Minutes bleed like watercolor into hours, bleeding into months.  

    You liked watercolors before you came here.

Before? Before what?

 Weren't you always here?

    No, you weren't . There's something else.

Something else ? That's silly. 

Where else would there be ?

You roll over. 

The side table again. Again?

Your eyes drift towards the calendar.


Is that important?

Does it matter?

no it doesn't, go to sleep

You roll back over.

Is someone crying?

Why are they crying?

You open your eyes . 

Someone is standing over you sobbing.

Who are they? You don't recognize them.

But you don't really recognize anyone now.

They're saying something.

"Poor kid, noone even visits you anymore"





It's you.

Breath in.

Breath out.

You don't wake up again.

This is pretty short but it took me forever to write b/c I kept procrastinating lol. Oh the joys of being a writer with ADHD :/

Even tho it took me forever I liked writing it! I'm probably gonna do more stuff like this in the future :D

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