Day 13 - The Bug Meets the Deer

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This was another request from a friend who wanted something to do with Niffty and how she met Alastor. There is one on the Wiki Page, but I will take a different route.

Walking through the streets of hell, I was just going through my casual stroll. It was so delightful watching as the demons would run in fear as they saw me walk by. It brought me minor entertainment.

My main home was in cannibal Town, but that didn't mean I didn't like to walk the streets and see the sites. Everywhere was so different. Everywhere had a unique scenery. A unique feeling. The only similarities within all of these areas, all sections of the pentagram, was the fear they felt when they saw me.

I made myself known. I made myself a name. I do not have a true desire for power, rather I like seeing all of the hopeless faces. I also do not like being pushed around. I was pushed around most of my life by my father until I ended his life. I made a choice to not be pushed around here. I also made the choice to keep up what I like to do.

However, this walk was different. I would walk these streets a million times, and everyone would avoid me. And if anyone ran into me, they coward in fear. On this walk of mine, a small insect demon ran into me. Instead of cowering and apologizing, and begging for her life, she gawked at me. Her one eye wide with curiosity and a sort of lust for something.

She began to examine me rather closely. Climbing up on me, making small giggles. Something that had never happened before. However, her boldness intrigued me. Plucking her off of my coat, I set her down back on the street. I just simply carried on with my day.


Ever since I arrived down here in hell, I have been fascinated with finding any person I can just take my knife and thrusted into their flesh. Over and over and over again. It's so delightful. Seeing them bleed. It's always so exhilarating.

I do notice that people look at me and just give little smirks here and there. And then after I completely wreck them with my knives, they look at me like I'm crazy. Maybe they are right. I may be a little crazy. But the rush I feel is amazing.

My main goal down here is to find an acquire a bad boy. A little delight for me. I listen to rumors, I watch from the side. And I find many bad boys, but none right for me. That was until I happen to see someone walking down the street. I watched as every demon that saw him ran in terror.

I couldn't believe it. So I watched him. And watched him. And watched him. He took the same route every single day. The reactions were always the same. I found out that he was an overlord. The ultimate bad boy. He was perfect. But I needed to be sure. Because I knew his path, I placed myself directly in front of him. Rather I got too excited and ran into him.

I couldn't contain myself once I was in front of him. I examined him from head to toe. The scent he had was like death. His hair was really soft too. And that smile that sent chills down my spine was absolutely perfect. I couldn't contain myself and let out a few giggles. He picked me up off of him and sent me down. I expected him to hurt me or do something, but he just kept on walking. It was a surprise to me. I expected something a little different. I will have to try again tomorrow.


I ran into that girl again. I don't know what she wants from me, but the way she is constantly presenting herself in such a energetic and different reaction than most demons, I couldn't bring myself to kill her. Or devour her. If anything, she would just be a bite-sized snack with her size. A few more days of this constant running into each other, she finally started to follow me.

Once we got to cannibal Town, I knew she would be eating alive, so I stopped, turned around and looked down at her. "You young doll, if you cross these paths, you will be eating alive. This town is cannibal Town, and they will eat you the second day set their eyes on you."

I expected her to be more afraid. Instead she looked gleefully. "So this is where you live, Mr. Alastor?" I do not recall giving her my name. But as an overlord, it comes with the territory. You do not know the lowly demons, but they know you.

"Yes, my dear. I live here with my dear friend. It is not a place for..." I trailed off. She started to shake her arms up and down with excitement.

Maybe she does belong here. She definitely doesn't seem like a cannibal, maybe in life she was a murderer. It would explain her murderous tendencies. The small insect may have been getting on my nerves, but she also piqued my interest greatly.

"Fine, my dear. You may stay with me. You have caught and contained my interest. I might as well keep you as a pet of sorts." I told her. I should have expected her not to back down. She agreed instantly.

I learned that her name was Niffty. Her name fit her rather well. She was always helpful towards me. I didn't even have to make a deal with her. I did convince her to make a deal with me anyway, just to keep her safe. If I have a deal with her, then she is mine and mine alone. Any demon that messes with her, will mess with me. I made a simple deal with her that wasn't as vast and overbearing as my other deals can be.

Rosie hoped set up a small little hut for her in campbelltown. It became her main area of living. I never understood why she was interested in the following me around. And not that I would ever tell her, I'm glad she sought me out.

A/N: I don't know why, normally my one shots are very dialogue heavy, but right now my main interest is the insight one shots. Rather than having a bunch of dialogue and many descriptions, I like the inner thoughts lately. Not sure if I'll have it for every single one coming forward of course, but it is definitely different than what I normally do. I did enjoy this one. I hope it doesn't feel too rushed. I ended up having to finish it quickly so I could go into work for a friend. I need a to cover for her. In the original story, at least on the wiki page Niffty and Alastor mad when some pedophile of some sort was trying to take advantage of Niffty. I'm not sure if that is the same story still, but that is what it currently says. I didn't like that. I feel that she can hold her own. I also believe that she is like Husker and wasn't overlord. I didn't write it that way in this story, but yeah. Anyway, I will see you tomorrow.


Posted: 3/04/2024

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