The Start

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"So this is the rift that's been all over the news? It looked cool online, but in person, it's got quite the ominous feeling." You say, standing a safe distance away from the rift.

A small cut in the fabric of the space time continuum, with a black base and golden jagged edges and lines in and out of it. The size isn't any bigger than your average bus, and yet, it gives off the aura of something much more frightening than death. The rift itself has been opened for over a month and has yet to grow or shrink in size.

"Do you have any clue about it? We figured that asking you would help us, given how you've traveled through so many parts of the world." A scientist on site stands there holding a notepad.

"I mean, right off the bat, it looks like something Giratina would make. But there aren't any disorientations in the surrounding areas so I doubt that Giratina had opened it." You walk up closer to the rift, stopping in front of the safety net around it.

You clutch the strap of your bag, the rift making you feel on edge. It almost feels alive despite the fact that it has made no signs of such. Yet, something about it makes you want to step in. It's almost as if something is calling out to you.

"Wait, you shouldn't approach it. We don't know how it'll react to any organisms in close proximity." The scientist warned, not daring to get close.

"Ah, sorry." You walk back to the scientist. "I didn't realize that I had moved so close to it. I only meant to take a few steps."

"Many have claimed it calling to out them. They all tried to walk in which is why we put up a safety net around it. Whatever is making that happen must be something of great power especially since there has been no sound recorded by our radars." The scientist explained, shuddering when he looked towards the rift.

"It's almost like a ghost of some sorts." You stare at the rift. If it had eyes, it would probably stare right back. Let's not think about that.

"We had thought that at first, but even our ghost types are afraid to approach it. Some have gotten near, but they flee almost immediately afterwards." The scientist hands you the notepad he's holding.

Reading through it, you see multiple theories. A bunch of the theories are crossed out, but it hardly removes much of the many theories written out. You take out a pen to write down another one, 'Possibly a portal to a different dimension.'

"A new dimension? Wouldn't that just be crazy?" The scientist peers over your shoulder. "I mean, alternative universes are a thing and so are dimensions, but wouldn't it be simply impossible to head into one. We're talking about a whole new world with different qualities than ours. They shouldn't be able to align."

"Even if that's the truth, you can't just simply bypass the possibility of it being there. Plus, life is not something set in stone. Why wouldn't that logic also apply to this world and one beyond it?" You try to reason with the scientist, after all, impossible is truly impossible if you let it be.

"Well, I suppose you have a point..." He looks up at the sky, only to see the setting sun. "Oh! I should head back and report to the others. You should come along."

"I'll join you in a sec. I'd like to watch the sun set for a bit." The scientist nods at your words and head off.

You turn around and walk a bit closer to the rift, stopping a few steps away from the it. Staring down at it makes you feel uneasy, yet somehow, it only makes you more interested in it. It makes you want to approach it despite everything your mind is yelling at you.

Ah, my dear esteemed benefactor...

This makes you take one step back. "What was that? Who's there?!" You call out yet no response. "Was I imagining that?"

My proud, beautiful flower of evil.

You hear the same voice again. Now, you're sure you're not just hearing things. There's a voice coming from somewhere, but where?

You are truly the fairest one of all.

You take another step back, away from the rift. You remember the scientist's words, how people claimed to have heard a voice before they approached the rift. Could this be the very voice they spoke of?

O magic mirror, thy wisdom I entreat...

Magic mirror? What mirror? Where is this? Questions such as those spin around in your head, making you much too paranoid for you to watch your every step.

Reveal unto me the visage I seek...

Before you know it, your body starts to move. Where? Straight to the rift. It almost feels as if you've been possessed. You try to fight it, try to move away, but your body wouldn't listen. Before long, you reach the edge of the rift.

Just then, a cawing of a bird snaps you out of it. The caw didn't sound like any pokémon you know of, but you were so thankful that you didn't question it at that very moment.

You really should've questioned it, or at least acted much quicker. Maybe then, you wouldn't have been pushed in...


You remain falling, the last thing of light you remember is the rift closing itself as you fall. Without a single clue as to where you're falling to, you close your eyes, hoping that the fall won't hurt too much.

You, whose image the Dark Mirror did beckon forth...

If your heart bids it, take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror.

You open your eyes to see a speck of light. Without hesitation, you reach your hand up to it. Once your hand touches it, you immediately clench your fist around it.

As flame reduces even the stars to ash,

As ice seals away even time itself,

As great trees swallow even the sky,

Fear not the power of darkness.

Now—demonstrate your power.

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