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Fate was a funny thing for Adrika. Her family had planned out her life, but Fate had other ideas. She didn't particularly enjoy it, but she knew she couldn't outright defy all the rules. She loved her family, and she was willing to make adjustments for their happiness. This didn't make her sad, though. Whenever she wanted something, she would always find a middle ground.

One of her wishes was to go to South Korea. Adrika had always been a huge fan of K-dramas and dreamed about living there, immersing herself in the local culture. After completing her M.Ed, and with encouragement from her friends, she applied for a teaching job in South Korea. She was well-qualified for the role, having earned a BA in English literature along with acquiring a TEFL certificate, besides her M.Ed degree. Today, she received an email informing her that she had been selected as a high school teacher in one of Busan's high schools.

Sitting anxiously, Adrika was getting her hair braided by her grandmother to braid her hair. "Aajii(1), if I want to go out, would you let me?" she asked, fiddling with her fingers. Just then, her Grandfather walked in, carrying a plate of Mysore Bonda and three cups of filter coffee on a tray. "What are my favourite ladies up to?" he asked, taking a seat beside Adrika on the floor.

"Look at your granddaughter, still asking for permission before going out," her Aaji laughed.

"Muddu(2), you can go out whenever you like, just inform us," her Aaja(3) patted her head.

"I... I wasn't talking about going out here...I had applied for a teaching job in South Korea and got accepted" Adrika hesitantly looked at her surprised grandparents.

"All three of you are here? I was looking for you," her mother walked in.

"Rohini, did you know about her receiving a job offer?" her grandmother commented.

"Adrika, didn't I tell you..." Her mother was interrupted by her grandmother.

"So you knew... our muddu got such an amazing opportunity. Why did you not tell us?" her grandmother exclaimed.

"Ammma(4) I told her to reject it?" Her mother replied. "It's a different country, different culture. We don't eat anything outside of Udupi Brahmin Restaurants, and there she might not even find vegan food. Cultural barriers, language barriers... she has never been away from us for two months. Do you want me to send her there for two years? What if something happens? We won't be there for her."

"Rohini your concerns are understandable, but it's our muddu she is strong" her grandfather raised a point.

"Yes, strong. Remember when Adrika was attending her friend's wedding in Jaisalmer? She had to stay away from us for a month. She called us and complained about why we weren't able to join her. And when she returned, she didn't leave your side at all."

"That was when I was 20."

"And now you're 24, only four years. Also, what will you do if you face discrimination because of your race or something? Just because your Appa knows people and no one has dared to trouble you here doesn't mean...."

"Adrika is 24. Let her go out. See the world. Don't you trust her? Don't you remember when she had gone on a camping trip and they got stuck due to a landslide? She was the one who motivated everyone and helped in the rescue of everyone."

"See, that is also a problem. You can see she always has to go play hero. Can your muddu ever not do that? What if she gets in trouble for that?"

"Aamma, you were the one that taught me to always help others."

"But not at the cost of endangering yourself."

"Rohini, she is her father's daughter. She will never stand back and watch," her grandmother commented.

"Because of this behaviour, he is no longer with us," as tears welled up in her eyes. Rohini walked out, "Amma..." Adrika followed her.

Hugging her mother from behind, Adrika said, "Appa won't be happy seeing you cry."

"Did your Appa think about us before sacrificing his life while saving a stranger?"

"Amma, would Appa have been happy if he had let someone die in front of him?"

Rohini shook her head. "What is the use of your Appa leaving so much for us when he only is not with us?" Tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Also, Do you need to work, why don't you work in our company? Shayan will be back soon as well.... "

"Ammaa I'm not marrying anyone this soon."

"But why not you will have to marry Him one day.... "

"But not now...I want more time with you"

"That's why you are going to Busan" tears whelming up Rohini's eyes once again.

"Aee what Maa...crying simp simply(5), if you don't want to leave it, I'm not going."

"No, you go." Rohini pulled her daughter in a hug. "Take care of yourself the most. Don't do anything that you might regret, and most importantly, take care of yourself."

"Aiioo ammmaa."

It was set. Adrika was leaving for Busan.


Aajii(1) - Grandmother

Muddu(2)- a pet name/dear/loved

Aaja(3)- Grandfather

Ammma(4)- mother

simp simply(5)- a banglore way of saying simply so there is a word in Kannada Sum sumne which translates to simply, so that's why they say sim simply like sum summne


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