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He was lying on the couch, tired from his shoot earlier. He looked at his phone. Hwajun had called him 3 times.


Hwajun wasn't the type to call someone more than once. Especially Him, cuz they both were idols and were well aware of each other's busy schedules. 

Maybe he misses me

Jaeyoon smiled. 

Hwajun was his best friend, his bandmate and,  more than that, his sworn brother. 

They hadn't been able to hangout...."I'll go over with some beer and fried chicken, it's gonna be like old times" Thinking about it, his face lit up, the tiredness on his face slowly fading.

He got up, grabbed his stuff, got into his car, and left. Picking Yangnyeom Tongdak and Ganjang(1) , beer and soju.

Jaejoon happily hummed his favourite song. He arrived at Hwajun's building, which was not far away. Reaching his house, he rang the bell.


*no answer*


*no answer*

Ding-dong  Ding-dong  

*no answer*

Ding-dong Ding-dong Ding-dong Ding-dong

* still no answer*

Irritated he pressed the password and opened the door. The apartment was filled with smoke. Panicked filled his eyes, Jaeyoon coughed covering his mouth and nose as he dashed inside the apartment "HWAJUN"

"HWAJUN" he entered Hwajun's room. The room was locked. Jaeyoon banged on the door but there was no response. He pushed on the door, banging furiously, his breath heavy and anxious.  Yelling, crying for Hwanjun to open up. Breaking the door. There was Hwajun lying eyes closed. His eyes closed, face peaceful and faint marks of tears tainted his face. Jaeyoon opened the windows letting the air out. Jaeyoon grabbed Hwajun's shoulder and shook him. 



"KIM HWAJUN WAKE UP OR I'LL KILL YOU" Shaking him vigorously, tears streaming down his face. Yells turned to sobs as Jaeyoon realised his friend had left him. Hwajun was no more.


It has been 6 months since the lead guitarist of the rock band Revolvex Died.

Jaeyoon was drinking, working, drinking, working, if he wasn't working he was drinking, if he wasn't drinking he was working. Photoshoots, fan meets, interviews.





it felt suffocating, why was he doing this?

one mistake and all these people who say love you will send you death threats.

He had been immersing himself in work, not a tear had dropped since the day he found his friend dead. Dark circle under his eyes. He could have saved his friend if he had paid attention to his friend's changing behaviour if he had noticed the increasing hate by antis directed towards him or if only he had picked up Hwajun's call. Hwajun called him 3 times. THREE FUCKING TIMES, but he still didn't pick up the phone THAT DANMED PHONE. He took his phone and threw it across the room. "FUCKK....."  He gripped his hair tugging on his root he could feel the tingle on his scalp.

"Ahhhh...." He gave up dropping to his knees. "WHYYY"

It wasn't just he had trouble coping but also trouble sleeping, and eating, he couldn't go on stage or write anything. It felt as if someone had poured ice-cold water on his burning flame. 

Today the CEO of his company called him to meet with her. He got ready and left for the company.

when he entered the company building, every corner of the building had memories, His memories, Hwajun's memories.....the corridor where he would wait for him to come, the dance studio where they met for the first time, the recording studio where he helped Hwanjun singing, the producing room where Hwanjun bought him food when he overworked himself, it was all about him. 

He entered the CEO's office."Ahhh..yes Jaeyoon what is this? You guys have a comeback in a month and you couldn't make one song? " he stood there silent. 

"I understand that you are still struggling with Hwajun's passing, but it's important to remember that you are not the only one affected. His family and your bandmates are also grieving. While you may be participating in brand deals and photo shoots, I've heard reports of concerning behaviour on set. If word gets out, it could hurt your reputation and your bandmates. Please consider your actions and how they may affect those around you."  Her words were respectful but her voice was sharp and cold.

"I understand"

"Look at you, you look dead and lifeless, go write a letter and post it online, take some time off and if you can't get over it don't get over it, don't come back "

Jaeyoon bowed, and did what he was told. what was he supposed to do, go back to his apartment, alone that made him feel more miserable, "Hyung(2)" he turned around it was one of his bandmates. "AHHH...where have you been, We tried to call you. did you throw your phone away?" He caught up to Jaeyoon, "What did the CEO say? " 

"Told me to take a break," Jaeyoon said lifelessly.

"You need that," the member said looking at his state.

"I'm sorry," Jaeyoon said as he walked away

 He did not feel well, the moment he reached home he did not know what to do, or how to deal with everything. He knew his CEO was being generous, Was he being selfish? 

He felt like leaving everything and going back home. HOME? yes, maybe he needs to go home. He needs to be away from everything, away from everything that is related to HWANJUN.

It was set he was going to Busan.


Yangnyeom Tongdak and Ganjang(1) is a popular Korean fried chicken 

tongdak means whole chicken but it's just bite-sized fried chicken,

간장 (Ganjang) with soy sauce and garlic (brown coloured)

양념(Yangnyeom) with spicy seasoning (red coloured)

Ganjang means soy sauce, while Yangnyeom just means seasoning

Hyung 형(2)= older brother


I hope you enjoyed it.

Bangalore to Busan (ComingSoon)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin