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Kya drew water from the snow in the cave around her, bringing a small amount in the air then quickly swatting it to the ground. It was quiet, nobody was around. Kya practiced her water bending in places she could not be seen, but even when she wasn't bending, she tended to keep to herself.
A small cough was let out behind her.
Kya rolled her eyes and turned around, "Oh. Hey Katara."
Katara was a young girl from Kya's tribe. Before the ambush, Katara's mother was very close to Kya's mother, so they know each other very well.
"Oh! I was just coming here to-"
"Practice your bending? It's fine, I won't tell your brother. Here, take my spot, I was gonna head back anyway."
"You know, maybe we could practice together sometime?" Katara said as Kya got up.
"I'm good."
Kya swiftly left the cave and embarked on the small walk back to her village.

When she arrived, she was met by the the tall stature of Sokka, brother of Katara, a boy from her tribe who used to know everything about her before the Fire Nation's ambush. His arms crossed, blocking the way of the entry into her hut, he huffed.
"What do you want?" She spat.
"Where have you been? You shouldn't leave the village alone." He said, concerned.
"None of your business, I was taking a walk." She said, brushing past him.
"You were bending weren't you?!"
"Who cares?"
When Sokka's father left to fight in the war, he gave Sokka the honour, and challenge of protecting his village. Sometimes Sokka let that power get to his head a bit.
"You're putting us all in danger Ky , you don't know where fire nation could be hiding out."
Kya recalled the nickname he had given to her when they were younger, her gaze hardened, "Don't call me that."
"That's it. You're on fishing duty with me!"
"What? You can't make me do that!"
"Sure can, I'm the protecter of our village, I'm the man in charge."
"I'm not going."
Sokka grabbed her forearm, dragging her to their Canoe.
"Fine! I'll come just let me go, and only if Katara comes too. I don't wanna bear the thought of being alone with you."
Sokka smiled in victory, "Cool. you set up and i'll go get her."

Once Sokka was back with Katara, the three set off. Sokka stood at the head of the canoe, Katara paddled in the middle and Kya sat lifeless in the back.
"Can you help a little bit Kya? You're doing nothing."
"Oh yeah? And what do you suppose you're doing big guy? Just standing at the head of the boat!"
"I'm fish-ingg?" He lingered on the word, "Doing more than you are anyway."
"Guys please, stop." Katara groaned. Both Sokka and Kya crossed their arms in dismay.
It wasn't unlike Sokka and Kya to argue in the rare circumstances they were alone together.
"So, where were you before Katara?" Sokka questioned.
Katara paused.
"You were water bending again weren't you?"
"Don't worry! Nobody could see me, not that it matters." She trailed off.
Sokka chuckled annoyed, "This is all your influence Kya."
"What? What did I do?!"
"If you weren't so obvious about bending all the time, maybe Katara would stop too. You're older than she is. You need to be a good influence to the kids of the tribe."
"Why should I have to care what your little sister does?! Why do you have to be so controlling?! You gonna put a leash on her next!"
Sokka turned around, a fury in his eyes.
"Guys..." Katara warned as the boat started to shake.
"You know what Kya. You're so depressed all the time, which is fine! You do you!... But you don't have to bring the rest of us into your pity party!"
Tears welled in Kya's eyes.
"GUYS!" Katara warned again, yelling out this time.
They had lost control of the boat. It sped down the river, under towers of ice, almost crashing several times.
"JUST HOLD ON!" Sokka yelled.
The boat totalled into an ice block, causing the three to go flying onto it.
They groaned as they got themselves up.
Sokka looked toward the boat, which was slowly floating from them, "Oh no, no, no. That's not good."
Kya pushed Sokka in the back, "That was entirely YOUR fault!"
He quickly turned around "Excuse me! That was all you! And I would SO push you back if you weren't a girl."
"Oh as if I would even feel it. I have more muscle than you!"
Sokka scoffed.
"What is that?" Katara said behind them, they both turned to face her, their eyes met with a giant ball of ice.
"Huh, weird." Sokka said.
Kya turned back around to the boat, unbothered by the object, "Who cares? How are we gonna get this stupid boat back."
"How about you use your "Water Bending Skills", that you're sooo proud of." Sokka air quoted sarcastically.
Sokka knew Kya wasn't a good bender, she had no one to teach her, she only learnt the basics before her parents passed. He knew how to hit a nerve.
"You're a pig."
"Whatever. We need to get that canoe or we're gonna end up as fish food... Ironic."
Kya crossed her arms, "Yeah? Well I'm telling them to eat you first."
While Katara kept her gaze on the strange object, Kya decided to use her bending to get the boat back.
"Uh, Kya." Sokka started.
She continued, the boat slowly trailing back to them, but the ground around them shaking too, unbeknownst to her.
The ice object suddenly exploded behind her, pushing the three to the ground. Emerging from the bright blue lights, was the figure of a young boy. He collapsed from atop a ledge and slid down ice to the three, unconscious.
Sokka furrowed his brows, "Where did he come from?"
"I don't know." Katara said, equally bewildered.
The Canoe appeared behind them.
Sokka ran and grabbed it, "Oh! Nice. Nice. We aren't gonna die."
"Thanks to me." Kya spat.
"Thanks to me!" Sokka mocked in a high pitched voice.
"Ugh let's get out of here, Katara I cannot stand 5 more seconds with your stupid brother."
"We can't leave him!" Katara said, holding the young boys hand as he laid limp and unconscious.
"Katara a strange glowy iceberg just exploded and left behind a mysterious little bald person. What part of that makes you think, great! Let's bring him home!"
Kya nodded.
"Sokka, he's just a kid" Katara pleaded, "we can't just leave him out here.
Sokka and Kya sighed.
"I don't like this, but why listen to me?" Sokka mumbled. "I'm just responsible for the safety of the village."


After his limp body was placed in a rug, members of the village crowded the small boy, eager to see what had happened. Anything new is exciting for them, they don't get much news.

"This is an air bender." Katara and Sokka's grandmother spoke, in awe.
The room gasped
"It's impossible. Airbenders don't exist anymore." Sokka protested.
"Well, we won't get any answers until he wakes up. We need to let him rest."  Katara spoke, "come on."
Everyone started to clear out of the room. Sokka caught the eye of Kya, who had been watching from afar in the corner of the hut.
Sokka laughed at her annoyed expression, "What, you've got a problem with the bald kid too, or am I confusing that look with your normal face."
"I just don't see why it's such a big deal. He's an airbender, whatever."
"It's a big deal because he exploded out of an ice block this morning." Katara argued.
"We just have bigger fish to fry, literally."

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