An unexpected occurrence: Chapter 1

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                                               The Image above is what Tanjiro looks like in this series_______________

   Once upon a time, in the Taisho Era, lived a young boy named Tanjiro. He lived with his family on a Mountain near a small town. Every day, Tanjiro would go down to the village to sell coal or help the locals. Many adored and trusted the boy with errands, and so much more. He was a unique soul and he had a disease that made him scream random things at the top of his lungs. He also had an obsession with toes, though locals didn't seem to mind.

   One day, he was coming up the mountain with his empty basket in the dark. The light snow and dark sky made it a beautiful sight. While on the way home, he passed a tiny hut. "eYy bOiiIi" said a mysterious voice dancing on his head sniffing the roof. "WhAD'yA dOiNg aT tHiS hOuR? CoMe iN mY bAsEmEnt fOr tHe nIght SunNeh!" said the man.

   The man's name was Pickle Rick. He was 1028282 years old. Sadly, two years ago his wifu accidentally walked off a cliff while getting milk. Ever since then, he's been doing suspicious activity. Once, he brought three kids to his hut, and they were missing the next day. Tanjiro didn't think much, instead, he felt bad for him because many people thought that he needs to go to the insane asylum in OHIO, AMERICA. Before Tanjiro's father went to get the milk, they were very good friends. This is why Tanjiro trusted, and befriended Pickle Rick.

   Mr. Pickle Rick had a light greenish-yellow toupee full of mold, and dead bugs. It looked as if it weren't cleaned, or switched in years. There were knots and tangles from every angle, it was a complete mess. His eyes were a dark brown and his teeth were either a bright mustard yellow or gone. He had a black, dirty haori with random swatches of dirt.

"dOn'cHa kNoW The fUrRiEs WilL cOmE oUt tO bEcOmE vScO gwOrLs?" "DoNt wAnnA bEcOmE tHat YEE-HAW" Mr. Pickle Rick said.

"NEZUKOO-CHANN," Tanjiro yelled before running into the Hutt.

"uwu" They both sang while getting high off Skittles (definitely not drugs...) and pickles.

   Soon, the night ended and Tanjiro said his fair wells. Before leaving, he transformed into a spider and crawled home upside down.

"NEZUKO-CHANNNN" Tanjiro screamed before watching in terror the sight of his family.

   "HOW COULD YOU HAVE A KETCH-UP PARTY WITHOUT ME! YOU MADE A MESS UWU" He yelled crawling over there; legs spread out, head facing forward, staring at his family before realizing the truth.

   "This is what happens when you have a ketchup party without me. I don't need you guys, so I'll just sell you one by one to Pickle Rick. He had a lot of people with bright red ketchup on the wall. I'm sure he'll find a place for you all" He looks at his family, before picking up his sister.

   "I'll be back for you all, so don't leave." He said careless, with a grin. "Finally I don't have to spend my life selling-" There was a quick pause until he started screaming "COAL" before turning around.

   After waiting a quick second, Tanjiro started T-posing. Not only were his arms moving, but his legs too. While in mid-air, he quickly turned upside down and then left.

{Chapter End. . .}

{A message from the creator: Thank you so much for reading! Lmk if you have any questions :) I have two chapters already written, I'll try to make another in my spare time. I'll publish every Friday or Thursday! Also when I wrote this the whole Ohio meme was popular. Unless people enjoy it I may not include it! Please give me ideas and tell me the things you liked so I can include it next time! Thank you so much again!! :D}

-645 words!!

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