CHP : 14

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So I'm very happy today because i have to pick my favourite person from her home feeling different when you have to see the person you love early morning and its funny i didn't sleep all night thinking about her !

So i just take shower and now i have to decide wardrobe for today that is not pretty hard because all i wear is black but for today i bought a different colour
Yes yes it's Blue Her favourite colour ! As soon i ready i move toward my car start engine and its already 7 : 30 and i have time

So ' i decide to buy some flower for her and some breakfast as early i know she likes it after 10 minutes i came infront of her house Her mother was infront of house she was joging and As she saw me she waves her hand

I like her so much she treat me like my mother ! I miss my mother when i see her !

Hello Em !

How are you my child !

My child " these words just hit my soul as i lost in time when i was 6 and my mom called me

I Boe and then Talk about her health  and she invited me to join for breakfast i resist but she asked me to join so i join

I entered the home !

And sit on sofa waiting for lisa to come because i want to see her !

I ask aunt where is she !

Can i go over up to meet her!

And i go toward her room !

I knock the door ! And haha what i see she was sleeping yes sleeping

I know office time was 9 I don't know why i come as early but i love the seen infront of me she was sleeping like a cute child i just stuck in that seen And just want to hug her and say

Good morning My sweeties cupcake!

But ! Can't

I don't want to disturb her but i moved near toward her to Cover her with blanket but suddenly she wakes and she shock seeing me doing this and her sudden action make me fall on her

Now we are in bed on eachother the position make the surrounding More lovely to me i can see her face closely and her cute eyes that are stuck on my face as soon she want to leave i grab her tightly because i don't know what i was doing !

Her mom calls (lisa )

And i hesitately moved ! I don't know when it's come to her i just loose all of my sense !

I just want to meet you because you have to go with me so so iiiii wass just here ! Your mom invites me for breakfast so so am i just stoped !

Lisa : Laughed !!!!

O my god haha ! why you talking like you do a crime ! Haha and sorry last night i forgot that you gonna pick me Boss!

Em : Don't call me boss at least we are close enough ! Am

Lisa : Close !

Em : Like im at your home so im not your boss here !

Lisa : Haha point !
So can you please move i have to take bath and get ready so then we can go as soon as possible

Em : Oh sorry ! I wait here you go ready

Lisa : You wait downstair !

Em : Oh haha i see ok

Closes door

Why emma why you are so weird when it comes to her you didn't even know what to talk and what to say !

Phone rang !

Hello dumb !

Hi Luke! Wassup ! Early morning everything ok

Luk: oh yea everything is ok actually we are making a plan to go out after a week to maldives so we decided that you come and also take our new friend with you !

Em : Maldives !!! What im not coming you know im busy !

Luk: Oh so you want that we tell lisa about that day that you lie to her that we are chairman and boss thoughts on this cute em !

Em : Hey stop ! Don't tell her ! Ok i see what to do but how could i ask lisa about to come

Luk : leave her  to us we tell her and she obv join us !

Em : C'mon! Damm

Luk : ok we are going to office then we send you details later you , sumup your work and also shoot !

Em : Ok Bye

Lisa mother calling!

Yes aunt !

After that i start doing breakfast with her mom and i was just seeing her like how cute she looks when she eat like a baby !

So em !

Yes !

Do you like my daughter!

Coughhh!!!!! Scofff

Lisa : Mom what are you saying?

Mom: I was saying like she likes your work or you About your work !

Em : Yes aunty she is perfect the way she is one day! she become the best model in thailand! And in world

Mom: Haha Oyii im proud of you lisa my child i just love to hear these words from your boss

Thankyou Em ! My child 'for giving her a chance !

Em : No no aunty it's her talent that bring her there its not in my hands she is good in everything

Eating continuous !

Dear reader! Im going to complete it soon but i need suggestions should i do it easy a simple love story or add some twist

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