Mid Day

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A disappointment dance-
In the realm of feelings, disappointment holds sway,
As a child, its presence filled my day.
Promises whispered, but never meant to keep,
Absences unexplained, dreams that fell asleep.
Now older, I see the damge thats ravaged within me.
Yet, its imprint on me, I still sprint from the feeling.
It affecting my thoughts, shaping my view,
Always anticipating what might ensue.
I brace myself against its relentless tide,
Preparing for that feeling I can't abide.
Constant vigilance against its unwelcome grasp,
Living in fear of disappointment's clasp.
Exhaustion settles, nerves taut like wire,
For dating, too, fans disappointment's fire.
It's done something to my mind, you see, Always preparing for what might be.
Constantly ready for disappointment's clutch.

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